A Course in Homological Algebratxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:U. Stammbach (Author)(2nd Edition) (Springer) (Paperback) by Peter J. Hilton 出版社: Springer 原作名: A Course in Homological Algebra 出版年: 2008-11-28 页数: 364 定价: 39.00元 装帧: Paperback 丛书: Graduate Texts in Mathematics ISBN: 9787506260077
内容简介 · · · · · ·We have inserted, in this edition, an extra chapter (Chapter X) entitled "Some Applications and Recent Developments." The first section of this chapter describes how homological algebra arose by abstraction from algebraic topology and how it has contributed to the knowledge of topology. The other four sections describe applications of the methods and results of homological alge...
We have inserted, in this edition, an extra chapter (Chapter X) entitled "Some Applications and Recent Developments." The first section of this chapter describes how homological algebra arose by abstraction from algebraic topology and how it has contributed to the knowledge of topology. The other four sections describe applications of the methods and results of homological algebra to other parts of algebra. Most of the material presented in these four sections was not available when this text was first published. Naturally, the treatments in these five sections are somewhat cursory, the intention being to give the flavor of the homological methods rather than the details of the arguments and results. 本书为英文版。