Moral Lucktxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Bernard Williams 出版社: Cambridge University Press 出版年: 1982-1-29 页数: 188 定价: USD 48.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780521286916
内容简介 · · · · · ·A new volume of philosophical essays by Bernard Williams. The book is a successor to Problems of the Self, but whereas that volume dealt mainly with questions of personal identity, Moral Luck centres on questions of moral philosophy and the theory of rational action. That whole area has of course been strikingly reinvigorated over the last deacde, and philosophers have both bro...
A new volume of philosophical essays by Bernard Williams. The book is a successor to Problems of the Self, but whereas that volume dealt mainly with questions of personal identity, Moral Luck centres on questions of moral philosophy and the theory of rational action. That whole area has of course been strikingly reinvigorated over the last deacde, and philosophers have both broadened and deepened their concerns in a way that now makes much earlier moral and political philosophy look sterile and trivial. Moral Luck contains a number of essays that have contributed influentially to this development. Among the recurring themes are the moral and philosophical limitations of utilitarianism, the notion of integrity, relativism, and problems of moral conflict and rational choice. The work presented here is marked by a high degree of imagination and acuity, and also conveys a strong sense of psychological reality. The volume will be a stimulating source of ideas and arguments for all philosophers and a wide range of other readers.
作者简介 · · · · · ·伯纳德·威廉斯(Bernard Williams,1929-2003),早年在英国牛津大学研究哲学和古典学,曾先后担任伦敦大学、剑桥大学、牛津大学和美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的哲学教授。他于1970年被选为英国社会科学院院士,之后又当选为美国艺术与科学院外籍院士,并在1999年因其在哲学上的重大贡献而被授予爵位。 威廉斯的主要工作领域是伦理学、知识论、心灵哲学和政治哲学。他在早期希腊思想和笛卡尔的研究上建树卓越,但他最重要的影响是在伦理学方面。威廉斯对功利主义和康德伦理学的批判,他对道德和道德要求的本质的探究,主导了近30年来西方伦理理论的思维,在某种意义上是这一时期最重要的道德哲学家。