Strong Society, Smart Statetxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:James Reilly 出版社: Columbia University Press 副标题: The Rise of Public Opinion in China's Japan Policy 出版年: 2011-10-11 页数: 352 定价: USD 55.00 装帧: Hardcover 丛书: Contemporary Asia In The World ISBN: 9780231158060
内容简介 · · · · · ·The rise and influence of public opinion on Chinese foreign policy reveals a remarkable evolution in authoritarian responses to social turmoil. James Reilly shows how Chinese leaders have responded to popular demands for political participation with a sophisticated strategy of tolerance, responsiveness, persuasion, and repression -- a successful approach that helps explain how ...
The rise and influence of public opinion on Chinese foreign policy reveals a remarkable evolution in authoritarian responses to social turmoil. James Reilly shows how Chinese leaders have responded to popular demands for political participation with a sophisticated strategy of tolerance, responsiveness, persuasion, and repression -- a successful approach that helps explain how and why the Communist Party continues to rule China. Through a detailed examination of China's relations with Japan from 1980 to 2010, Reilly reveals the populist origins of a wave of anti-Japanese public mobilization that swept across China in the early 2000s. Popular protests, sensationalist media content, and emotional public opinion combined to impede diplomatic negotiations, interrupt economic cooperation, spur belligerent rhetoric, and reshape public debates. Facing a mounting domestic and diplomatic crisis, Chinese leaders responded with a remarkable reversal, curtailing protests and cooling public anger toward Japan.
作者简介 · · · · · ·James Reilly is lecturer in northeast Asian politics at the University of Sydney. He earned his Ph.D. from George Washington University and has been a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Oxford and a Fulbright Scholar at Renmin University in Beijing. His research focuses on Chinese foreign policy, East Asian politics, and international relations, and for eight ...
James Reilly is lecturer in northeast Asian politics at the University of Sydney. He earned his Ph.D. from George Washington University and has been a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Oxford and a Fulbright Scholar at Renmin University in Beijing. His research focuses on Chinese foreign policy, East Asian politics, and international relations, and for eight years he worked with the American Friends Service Committee in China.
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