Coming to Terms with the Nationtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Thomas Mullaney 出版社: University of California Press 副标题: Ethnic Classification in Modern China 出版年: 2010-11-4 页数: 256 定价: USD 63.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780520262782
内容简介 · · · · · ·China is a vast nation comprised of hundreds of distinct ethnic communities, each with its own language, history, and culture. Today the government of China recognizes just 56 ethnic nationalities, or minzu, as groups entitled to representation. This controversial new book recounts the history of the most sweeping attempt to sort and categorize the nation's enormous population:...
China is a vast nation comprised of hundreds of distinct ethnic communities, each with its own language, history, and culture. Today the government of China recognizes just 56 ethnic nationalities, or minzu, as groups entitled to representation. This controversial new book recounts the history of the most sweeping attempt to sort and categorize the nation's enormous population: the 1954 Ethnic Classification project (minzu shibie). Thomas S. Mullaney draws on recently declassified material and extensive oral histories to describe how the communist government, in power less than a decade, launched this process in ethnically diverse Yunnan. Mullaney shows how the government drew on Republican-era scholarship for conceptual and methodological inspiration as it developed a strategy for identifying minzu and how non-Party-member Chinese ethnologists produced a "scientific" survey that would become the basis for a policy on nationalities.
作者简介 · · · · · ·Thomas S. Mullaney,斯坦福大学历史系现代中国史助理教授,在哥伦比亚大学获得博士学位。他的处女作Coming to Terms with the Nation:Ethnic Classification in Modern China探讨了中国社会科学家 和新中国政府决定哪些少数民族群体将得到认定的过程,以及这一认定如何改变了现代中国的民族-国家格局。他还主编了Critical Han Studies:Understanding the Largest Ethnic Group on Earth(加利福尼亚大学出版社即将出版),集结了一些关于中国主体民族的开创性研究。最近他致力于研究19世纪和20世纪中国特殊的信息基础设施的全球发展史,重点研究了电报码、打字、汉字检索系统、速记、盲文、计算机技术和其它现代语言系统在中国的发展。