Doing Business in China For Dummies 在中国经商-无师自通txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Robert Collins/Carson Block 出版社: For Dummies 副标题: Business in China for Dummies 出版年: 2007-07-30 页数: 364 定价: 180.00元 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780470049297
内容简介 · · · · · ·A beginner's guide to getting started in business in China</P> Globalization means that American businesses will have increasing contact with Chinese businesses and increasingly exposure to Chinese markets. Doing Business in China For Dummies covers the basics for businesspeople making a first trip to China or working closely with Chinese counterparts for the first time....
A beginner's guide to getting started in business in China</P> Globalization means that American businesses will have increasing contact with Chinese businesses and increasingly exposure to Chinese markets. Doing Business in China For Dummies covers the basics for businesspeople making a first trip to China or working closely with Chinese counterparts for the first time. This book covers all the bases for businesspeople-from the nuts and bolts of Chinese business and bureaucracy to cultural tips like business etiquette and dealing with the Chinese government.