抽象代数讲义(第1卷)txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Nathan Jacobson 出版社: 世界图书出版公司 副标题: 基本概念 原作名: Lectures in Abstract Algebra 1. Basic Concepts 出版年: 2000-12 页数: 217 定价: 36.00元 装帧: 平装 丛书: Graduate Texts in Mathematics ISBN: 9787506200608
内容简介 · · · · · ·The present volume is the first of three that will be published under the general title Lectures in lbstract fllgebra. These vol-umes are based on lectures which the author has given during the past ten years at the University of North Carolina, at The Johns Hopkins University, and at Yale University. The general plan of the work is as follows.The present first volume gives an ...
The present volume is the first of three that will be published under the general title Lectures in lbstract fllgebra. These vol-umes are based on lectures which the author has given during the past ten years at the University of North Carolina, at The Johns Hopkins University, and at Yale University. The general plan of the work is as follows.The present first volume gives an introduction to abstract algebra and gives an account of most of the important algebraic concepts. In a treatment of this type it is impossible to give a comprehensive account of the topics which are introduced. Nevertheless we have tried to go beyond ?the foundations and elementary properties of the algebraic sys-tems. This has necessitated a certain amount of selection and omission. We feel that even at the present stage a deeper under-standing of a few topics is to be preferred to a superficial under-standing of many. 此书为英文版!