The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Carmine Gallo 出版社: McGraw-Hill 副标题: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience 出版年: 2009-9 页数: 256 定价: 190.00元 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780071636087
内容简介 · · · · · ·Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s wildly popular presentations have set a new global gold standard—and now this step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to use his crowd-pleasing techniques in your own presentations. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs is as close as you’ll ever get to having the master presenter himself speak directly in your ear. Communications expert Carmine Gallo h...
Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s wildly popular presentations have set a new global gold standard—and now this step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to use his crowd-pleasing techniques in your own presentations. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs is as close as you’ll ever get to having the master presenter himself speak directly in your ear. Communications expert Carmine Gallo has studied and analyzed the very best of Jobs’s performances, offering point-by-point examples, tried-and-true techniques, and proven presentation secrets that work every time. With this revolutionary approach, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to sell your ideas, share your enthusiasm, and wow your audience the Steve Jobs way
作者简介 · · · · · ·卡迈恩•加洛(Carmine Gallo) 沟通专家,艾美奖获得者,《商业周刊》专栏作家。为世界知名企业提供演讲、媒体公关和沟通技巧方面的培训。多年在CNN、CNBC、CBS、ABC等广播电视公司担任新闻主播、节目主持人与商业采访记者,并为《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》以及《投资者商业日报》等著名媒体撰稿。