The Non-Designer's Web Book, 3rd Editiontxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Robin Williams/John Tollett 出版社: Peachpit Press 出版年: 2005-9-26 页数: 336 定价: USD 44.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780321303370
内容简介 · · · · · ·If you think web design is beyond your reach, or if you want your existing web site to look more professional, this thoroughly updated classic is the place to turn! In these pages, best-selling authors Robin Williams and John Tollett share the creative ideas, useful techniques, and basic design principles that are essential to great Web design-all in the context of the most cur...
If you think web design is beyond your reach, or if you want your existing web site to look more professional, this thoroughly updated classic is the place to turn! In these pages, best-selling authors Robin Williams and John Tollett share the creative ideas, useful techniques, and basic design principles that are essential to great Web design-all in the context of the most current technology, software, and standards. Throughout, the authors' aim is to inspire you and spark your creativity rather than sedate you with pages and pages of code. To that end, you'll find loads of real-world examples, interesting illustrations, and the simple instructions you need to implement the techniques and concepts described in these pages.
作者简介 · · · · · ·Robin Williams 世界著名的设计师、技术专家和畅销书作家。通过写书和授课,她已经影响了整整一代数字设计师。同时,作为Adobe和Mac技术社区内的偶像级专家,她拥有大批的拥戴者。她是Publish Magazine、Adobe Magazine等杂志的专栏作家,是MacWorld Expo等业界重要展会的顾问委员会成员,还创办了Santa Fe电影艺术学院。除本书外,她还著有几十部畅销图书和获奖著作,包括The Non-Designer's Design Book(《写给大家看的设计书》)、The Little Mac Book等。她的书已被翻译为15种文字,产生了世界性的影响。 John Tollett 与Robin合著有多本图书,包括Robin Williams Design Workshop和Web Design Workshop等...
Robin Williams 世界著名的设计师、技术专家和畅销书作家。通过写书和授课,她已经影响了整整一代数字设计师。同时,作为Adobe和Mac技术社区内的偶像级专家,她拥有大批的拥戴者。她是Publish Magazine、Adobe Magazine等杂志的专栏作家,是MacWorld Expo等业界重要展会的顾问委员会成员,还创办了Santa Fe电影艺术学院。除本书外,她还著有几十部畅销图书和获奖著作,包括The Non-Designer's Design Book(《写给大家看的设计书》)、The Little Mac Book等。她的书已被翻译为15种文字,产生了世界性的影响。 John Tollett 与Robin合著有多本图书,包括Robin Williams Design Workshop和Web Design Workshop等。John从事专业设计和插图绘画30余年,先后任职于多家广告公司,还是一家Web设计公司的合伙人。他从1988年就一直在使用苹果专业设备,最近主要从事数字视频编辑、DVD设计和DVD创作。