Smashing CSStxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Eric Meyer 出版社: Wiley 副标题: Professional Techniques for Modern Layout 出版年: 2010-11 页数: 304 定价: USD 39.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780470684160 内容简介 · · · · · ·Smashing CSS takes you well beyond the basics, covering not only the finer points of layout and effects, but introduces you to the future with HTML5 and CSS3. Very few in the industry can show you the ins and outs of CSS like Eric Meyer and inside Smashing CSS Eric provides techniques that are thorough, utterly useful, and universally applicable in the real world. From choosing... 作者简介 · · · · · ·Eric Meyer is an internationally recognized expert on the subjects of HTML, CSS, and Web standards, and has been working on the Web since 1993. Smashing CSS is for developers who already have some experience with CSS and JavaScript and are ready for more advanced techniques. Smashing Magazine ( is one of the world's most popular web design sites. True to th... 目录 · · · · · ·PART I: FUNDAMENTALS.Chapter 1: Tools. Firebug. Web Developer Toolbar. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar (or Tools). Dragonfly (for Opera). · · · · · ·() PART I: FUNDAMENTALS. Chapter 1: Tools. Firebug. Web Developer Toolbar. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar (or Tools). Dragonfly (for Opera). Web Inspector (Safari). XRAY. SelectORacle. Diagnostic Style Sheet. Reboot Styles. IE9.js. Chapter 2: Selectors. Pseudo What? Targets with Style. Specificity. Importance. What Happens when You omit Shorthand Value Keywords. Selectively Overriding Shorthands. Universal Selection. ID vs. Class. ID with Class. Multiclassing. Simple Attribute Selection. Attribute Selection of Classes. ID vs. Attribute Selector. Substring Attribute Selection. More Substring Attribute Selection. Child Selection. Simulated Partial Child Selection. Sibling Selection. Generating Content. PART II: ESSENTIALS. Chapter 3: Tips. Validate! Ordering Your Font Values. Rolling in Line-Height. Unitless Line-Height Values. Avoid Style-less Border Values. Controlling Border Appearance with Color. Suppressing Element Display. Suppressing Element Visibility. Th rowing Elements Off -screen. Image Replacement. Print Styles. Developing Print Styles. Block-level Links. Margin or Padding? Outdenting Lists. Bulleting Lists. Background Bullets. Generating Bullets. You Have More Containers than You Think. Document Backgrounds. Server-specifi c CSS. Chapter 4: Layouts. Outlines Instead of Borders. Centering Block Boxes. Float containment: overflow. Float containment: floating. Clearfixing. Adjacent Clearing. Two Simple Columns. Th ree Simple Columns. Faux Columns. Liquid Bleach. The One True Layout. The Holy Grail. Fluid Grids. Em-Based Layout. Negative Margins in Flow. Positioning Within a Context. Pushing out of the Containing Block. Fixed headers and footers. Chapter 5: Eff ects. Complexspiral. CSS Pop-ups. CSS Menus. Boxpunching. Pre-CSS 3 Rounded Corners. CSS 3 Rounded Corners. CSS Sprites. Sliding Doors. Clipped Sliding Doors. CSS Parallax. Ragged Floats. Better Ragged Floats. Boxing Your Images. Constrained Images. PART III: CUTTING EDGE. Chapter 6: Tables. Head, Body, Foot. Row Headers. Column-oriented Styling. Table Mapping. Table Graphs. Chapter 7: Th e (Near) Future. Styling HTML 5. Classing like HTML 5. Media Queries. Styling Occasional Children. Styling Occasional Columns. RGB Alpha Color. HSL and HSL Alpha Color. Shadowy Styles. Multiple Backgrounds. 2D Transforms. Index. · · · · · · () |