二外考试英语翻译 短短超可爱 1月7日 对学生的要求须与他们的兴趣 Demand on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities. 根据这一信息,该国已经具有 In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons. 旅游事业的空前兴旺使这个从前 An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town,which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people. 那个国家的日趋繁荣 The growing prosperity of that country can be attributed in large part to the economic reform policies implemented by the government. 那个青年继承的一大笔财产 The large inheritance of the young man enabled him to realize his dream. 他不顾朋友们的反复警告, Regardless of repeated warning from his friends,he staked all his money on high-risk ventures. 她意志薄弱,我想他是戒不掉烟的 In my view, he is so weak-wilked that he could hardly give up smoking, to my suprise, he has easily cured himself. 我认为向他求助是不现实的。 I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help, as a matter of fact of fact,he himself is in need of help. 我们许多人觉得宇宙无限 Many of us find the nation of a boundless universe hard to grasp. 我不止一次的提醒校长 I have reminded the principal more than once that he has promised to protect the legitimate interests of retired teachers. 许多家长越来越早地让子女开始 Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier ages in hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists. 许多家长非但不放任, Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on their children to be exceptional in everying. 由于学习成绩出色,这位长沙女孩 Owing to her academic excellence, the changsha girl has been accepted by several prestigious american universities , including harvard, yale and mit. 越来越多的人正在意识到与空气 More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution. 有明显的迹象表明 There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people. 因为在法律和规章中有许多漏洞 There being so many loophole in the laws and regulations ,it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight. 应该给年轻人机会,让他们发挥主动性, Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative , to take responsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievements. 在现代社会,服装款式每年都在翻花样 In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but will be out the next. 这种育儿新理念带来的将 More likely than not , what is “new” parenting idea brings about will be "super problems" rather than “super kids” 这位黑人领袖把实现 The black leader regards his life as a sacred obligation to achieve racial equality. 这个故事的主题思想是 The main idea of this story is that the fate of a person is closely linked to the fate of the entire country. 1976年,中华人民共和国的 In 1976, the three major founders of the People’s Republic of China, Premier Zhou Enlai, Marshal Zhu De and Chairman Mao Zedong successively passed away. A commond of english will not 掌握英语不仅可以改善你的思维过程,还会给你信心,树立你的信心使你的个性更加真实可信,使你更受欢迎。 At Yale, they play 在耶鲁,他们排练戏剧和音乐节目的时间少了,参加学校团体和体育运动的机会少了,连抽出时间散散步、聊聊天也很难得。几乎无法给自己的生活稍留空隙。 America has always been 美国的繁荣始终得益于不怕离经叛道的男女志士。 By now i suppose most members of 到目前,我想1985年毕业的大部分同学已经拜托了困境,在这一经济衰退后的时期他们或许已经找到了他们希望的工作、或已接受了差一些的工作、或已经在研究生院就读、或已放弃努力。 Consequently, 最终,他们只能无助地去参加政治进程来试图提升他们的地位。 Each can be a significant 每个人都可以成为一个重要的,有思想的,有意识的,富有创造力的人——一个胜利者。 From childhood, 奴隶们从小就受到训诫,他们是些微不足道的人,而且永远如此。 It has long since been satisfactorily established 早就有令人满意的证实,高级主管之所以拥有大量的词汇,并非仅仅因为其所处的地位给了他很多机会,那样就本末倒置了。 It is not that i don’t 并不是我不希望他们名利双收,尤其是那些正迈着蹒跚的步子走向毕业关口的四年级学生,我更同情他们满腹经纶却又囊中羞涩,而以后他们再也不会像现在这样了。 Instead, he tries to manipulate 相反,他试图操纵他们达到他的期望,并将他的精力用于实现他们的期望。 In 1865 the Civil War 1865年南北战争(也叫洲际战争)终将结束,但成千上万的人牺牲了。 I am not signifi...... 我的境况比他们也好不到哪去,而且事实上也不比美国大学85年毕业的其他许多人好多少。 It has also shown 它还是向我表明了在今天死气沉沉的就业市场上谋职的任何人----有学位的或者没有学位的一样面临的种种困难,最重要的是它清楚的表明了在多大程度上寻求工作的要任凭提供者的摆布。 More important ,i quickly 更为重要的是,我很快就发现,跟我竞争的人比比皆是,他们不仅拥有跟我一样的天资,而且还持有博士学位。这些古典学博士在大学里找不到工作,于是便转向私立中学----向我一样持有学士学位者传统的避难所。 No haphazard hit-or-miss 任何偶然的方法都不行。 Not all of them 当然,并非所有人都将投身到这一冰冷的现实中来。 Some are doing it to acquire 而有些人这样做只是为了再获得另外一个学位,好让这个他们认为只认证书的社会刮目相看。 She has a sweet face 她面容甜美洁净,不需要涂脂抹粉。 There are entertaining verbal 书中有引人入胜的词语操练,有丰富多彩的语言知识,有可供漫游的词语园地,正是这些词语使得我们的语言像现在这样成为丰富、灵活、生动的交际手段。 The authentic person 真实的人通过了解自己,成为自己,成为一个可靠,反应灵敏的人来体验自己的现实。 To the white slave owner, 在白人奴隶主看来,那些第一批运来的非洲人肤色漆黑,头发厚密,鼻子宽宽的,实是一半像“人”一半像猴子。 These attitudes about 这些对于黑人的态度帮助奴隶主使奴隶制度合法化,发展并成为看待整个种族一成不变的信条。 Two years ago at... 两年前的此时,当我的朋友们为法学院的入学考试的成绩忧心忡忡、或紧张的等待着医学院招生办的来信,或拼着命想进入工商管理硕士班时,我却漫不经心。 There is a fresh outdoor 她气色清新,看上去像是过惯了户外生活。 The fellows in the bank are 银行里那班伙计都挺不错,但他们个哟一个的生活天地。再说,我也没法邀请什么人上我那带家具出租的房间里去。所以一下班我就和他们各奔东西了。 The door opens and the people start 车门开了,人群开始往里挤。它随着人流拥进来,夹在当中动弹不得。他撞到了我身上,一把抓住了我抓的那个吊环,拼命抓着不放。 The train swings around a turn 列车驶过变道。车轮在铁轨上滚动着,发出尖利的长鸣,New Hampshire(宛如新罕布什尔)的小鸟在歌唱,我的心狂跳不已。 Without gulit he enjoys 没有内疚,他享受着自己的成就。没有嫉妒,他享受别人的成就。 Winners successfully make the 获胜者成功地实现了从完全无助到独立,再到相互依赖的过渡。输家没有。在某个地方,他们开始避免自理。 Words are explosive 言词具有爆炸性,短语往往携带TNT,一句话可以摧毁友谊,或获取一大笔订单。 微信扫一扫 关注该公众号 更多内容vip可查看 |