人的想象 Vs 自然保护 J. DATINGUINOO 合适设计 2016-06-17 以惠东白盆珠温泉度假酒店设计为例 Huidong Baipenzhu Hotel Resort 在建筑活动中,建筑师与自然的关系最为密切,如何保护自然和利用自然是关键。 主立面 本项目设计的出发点在满足客户的要求的同时结合惠东的本土文化,场地优良的小气候环境及自然资源,并且设计师要充分理解可持续建筑的解决方案,很好地运用现代中式中关于空间布局、私密性、舒适度的设计方法,合理的交通系统和巧妙地利用本土的材料,营造一个令人印象深刻的酒店空间。本项目努力追求一个纯粹、宁静、与自然和谐的酒店。 The Basic design concept was to answer in asynchronous way to the client's needs, to the way of Huidong culture, the beauty of the sites and its climate and a deep rooted understanding that with right sustainable design solution and applying contemporary Chinese planning,traditions comport, privacy, well though circulation and a good used of localmaterials, a memorable experience can be achieve... The project's vocabulary requires architectural sublimity so the purity of natures can be fully appreciated. 现场照片 皇思扬古围村 该项目位于山顶上,紧邻一条溪流和自然农田。轴线设计上,一连串跌级景观水池和无边际泳池顺应地形从主大堂延伸到自然溪边。大堂的建筑风格为现代中式,为了达到自然通风和遮荫的效果,采用可滑动的垂直百叶窗,同时为建筑提供私密性的以及保留周围壮丽的景色。在现代的坡屋顶下,这些垂直百叶窗成为主要建筑的主要元素,在郁郁葱葱的山林中,自然与建筑形成空灵光影效果。 The project sits on the top of the mountain facing a stream and farm lands, and a series of cascading pool and an infinity pool cascade down from a the main lobby to the stream below.The main Lobby in a contemporary Chinese style of architecture, rely heavy on the natural ventilation and shade for comfort, by using vertical louver sliding screen which all around the building provide privacy while retaining the magnificent view of the surroundings. These vertical louvers become the main architectural motif, with the contemporary Huidong style of roof, when integrated with lush mountain forest makes a ethereal experience of light and shadows. 场地剖面 客人到达这个酒店的第一印象是充满戏剧性的双重坡屋顶主大堂以及大堂轴线上一系列的跌级景观水池延伸到自然溪流,形成该酒店特有的空间性格。 The first guest's impression of the projectis the dramatic double height main lobby, which a space focuses axial view salong a series of cascading pools extending out to the stream and farmland. 酒店大堂 为了弱化建筑物的体量和高度,建筑设计整体延水平线方向展开,跟随山地形错落布置,尽量还原原来的山形地貌。 In order to reduce the perceived height of the buildings, a strong horizontal architectural line and bands embellish the whole project. The bulk and imposition of the building were reduced by allowing the building form to cascade down the topography. Building parts step back to lessen the vertical sheer and to mimic the original form of the mountain side... 酒店客房楼 建筑群融入郁郁葱葱的绿色山林里,形成具有私密性的、与自然和谐的度假空间,也给客人留下难以忘却的自然之美。 Privacy, color and shades is also achieved through the lush green of the mountain that fill the interstitial spaces between the buildings, so one is never out of sight of its nature's beauty... 编辑:JEFFREY 关卫婷;翻译:关卫婷 长按二维码关注我们的微信公众号!合适设计是集美组设计机构旗下的工作室之一,我们将根植当代文化,坚持原创,努力不懈地寻求项目“最优设计”的设计。 微信扫一扫 关注该公众号 更多内容vip可查看 |