
作者:张艳莉 编
出版社: 大连理工大学
副标题: 英语专业8级听力填空满分攻略
出版年: 2007-10
页数: 218
定价: 22.80元
ISBN: 9787561137888

内容简介 · · · · · ·


目录 · · · · · ·

第一章 应试指南 第一节 大纲要求与选材特点 Ⅰ.教纲分析 Ⅱ.考纲分析 Ⅲ.讲座选材特点 第二节 考点分类与应试技巧 Ⅰ.考点分类 Ⅱ.应试技巧第二章 速记方法 第一节 快速笔记要领 第二节 快速笔记原则 第三节 常用笔记法和缩略符号第三章 真题演练 TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2002) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2003) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2004) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2005) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2006) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2007) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2008) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2009) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2010) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2011)第四章 模拟实践Practice 1 Internet Privacy ractice 2 Micine in Medieval EnglandPractice 3 The Skills Required to Get a Good JobPractice 4 Blog CulturePractice 5 Get'em Thinking! Using the "3 Rs" of Media LiteracyPractice 6 BreastfeedingPractice 7 New Educational Technology: Challenges and PotentialPractice 8 DepressionPractice 9 Parakey:Sharing Online Becomes Ever EasierPractice 10 Gym CrazePractice 11 Reading on the Internet:The Link between Literacy and TechnologyPractice 12 Higher Education in ChinaPractice 13 One-click Content, No GuaranteesPractice 14 Disneyland's HistoryPractice 15 Music and Creative Arts for PreschoolersPractice 16 Job InterviewsPractice 17 Winston ChurchillPractice 18 Lyrics and Critical LiteracyPractice 19 Low-aged Overseas StudentsPractice 20 Using Lyrics to Develop Students' Critical LiteracyPractice 21 On line ShoppingPractice 22 Pen-pal Letters:The Cross-curricular ExperiencePractice 23 Job-hoppingPractice 24 Shared Reading and Children's Oral LanguagePractice 25 9-11 Terrorist AttackPractice 26 Gaining Crosscultural and International Perspectives: A Book ReviewPractice 27 Effective Assignments Using Library and Internet ResourcesPractice 28 On Reviewing and Improving Written WorkPractice 29 Surprising Side Effects of Global WarmingPractice 30 Making the Student the Star

第一章 应试指南 第一节 大纲要求与选材特点 Ⅰ.教纲分析 Ⅱ.考纲分析 Ⅲ.讲座选材特点 第二节 考点分类与应试技巧 Ⅰ.考点分类 Ⅱ.应试技巧第二章 速记方法 第一节 快速笔记要领 第二节 快速笔记原则 第三节 常用笔记法和缩略符号第三章 真题演练 TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2002) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2003) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2004) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2005) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2006) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2007) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2008) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2009) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2010) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2011)第四章 模拟实践Practice 1 Internet Privacy ractice 2 Micine in Medieval EnglandPractice 3 The Skills Required to Get a Good JobPractice 4 Blog CulturePractice 5 Get'em Thinking! Using the "3 Rs" of Media LiteracyPractice 6 BreastfeedingPractice 7 New Educational Technology: Challenges and PotentialPractice 8 DepressionPractice 9 Parakey:Sharing Online Becomes Ever EasierPractice 10 Gym CrazePractice 11 Reading on the Internet:The Link between Literacy and TechnologyPractice 12 Higher Education in ChinaPractice 13 One-click Content, No GuaranteesPractice 14 Disneyland's HistoryPractice 15 Music and Creative Arts for PreschoolersPractice 16 Job InterviewsPractice 17 Winston ChurchillPractice 18 Lyrics and Critical LiteracyPractice 19 Low-aged Overseas StudentsPractice 20 Using Lyrics to Develop Students' Critical LiteracyPractice 21 On line ShoppingPractice 22 Pen-pal Letters:The Cross-curricular ExperiencePractice 23 Job-hoppingPractice 24 Shared Reading and Children's Oral LanguagePractice 25 9-11 Terrorist AttackPractice 26 Gaining Crosscultural and International Perspectives: A Book ReviewPractice 27 Effective Assignments Using Library and Internet ResourcesPractice 28 On Reviewing and Improving Written WorkPractice 29 Surprising Side Effects of Global WarmingPractice 30 Making the Student the Star
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