![]() 作者:斯伯尔斯基 副标题: 英文 出版年: 2000-3-1 页数: 128 定价: 8.40元 装帧: 平装(无盘) 丛书: 牛津语言学入门丛书 ISBN: 9787810467933 内容简介 · · · · · ·《社会语言学(英文)》是一部介绍社会语言学基本知识的导论性文章。《社会语言学(英文)》从多方面讲述了社会语言学的基本知识,其主体(即概述部分)分为七章。第一章论述社会语言学的研究范畴和研究方法;第二章介绍言语人种学和会话结构;第三章探讨言语的地域差异;第四章论述因使用者风格、性别与社会地位的不同而导致言语使用过程中所表现出的不同特征和功能;第五章研究语言社会化、双语者的语言能力和双语现象,探讨了语码转换和语码混用现象;第六章探讨多语社会的民族情感、政治、历史等各有关因素和多语混用、洋泾浜英语和双语能力等表现形式;第七章简述了应用社会语言学的研究现状,并以英语在全世界扩散中所表现的语言帝国主义和霸权主义为例,表明了社会语言学研究任重道远的观点。作者最后的结论是:语言与社会的复杂关系,是最根本的人类现象之一,需要不断深入的探索和剖解。 目录 · · · · · ·PrefaceAuthor’s preface Section 1: Survey 1. The social study of language 1.1 The scope of enquiry 1.2 Complementary approaches · · · · · ·() Preface Author’s preface Section 1: Survey 1. The social study of language 1.1 The scope of enquiry 1.2 Complementary approaches 1.3 The methods of enquiry 1.4 What are the data? 1.5 The sociolinguists at work 1.6 The approach in this book 2. The ethnography of speaking and the structure of conversation 2.1 The ethnography of speaking 2.2 The structure of conversations 2.3 Politeness and politeness formulas 2.4 Terms of address 3. Locating variation in speech 3.1 Speech communities and repertoires 3.2 Dialect 4. Styles, gender and social class 4.1 Styles 4.2 Specialized varieties or registers and domains 4.3 Slang and solidarity 4.4 Language and gender 4.5 Social stratification 4.6 Accommodation and audience design 5. Bilinguals and bilingualism 5.1 Language socialization 5.2 The description of bilingualism 5.3 Bilingual competence 5.4 Code switching and code mixing 6. Societal multilingualism 6.1 Multilingualism 6.2 Language loyalty and reversing language shift 6.3 Language and ethnic identity 6.4 Language and politics 6.5 Language rights 6.6 Pidgins and creoles 6.7 Diglossia 7. Applied Sociolinguistics 7.1 Language policy and language planning 7.2 Status planning 7.3 Corpus planning 7.4 Normativism and prescriptivism 7.5 Language acquisition planning or language education policy 7.6 Language diffusion policy or linguistic imperialism 7.7 The spread of English – imperialism or hegemony? 8. Conclusions Section 2: Readings Section 3: References Section 4: Glossary · · · · · · () |