
作者: [法]让-雅克·卢梭
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
译者:(英)H.J. Tozer
出版年: 2010-01-13
页数: 139
定价: 9.90元
装帧: 平装
丛书: 大师经典文库
ISBN: 9787560092225

内容简介 · · · · · ·

《社会契约论》内容简介:This little treatise is extracted from a larger work undertaken at an earlier time without consideration of my capacity, and long since abandoned. Of the various fragments that might be selected from what was accomplished, the following is the most considerable, and appears to me the least unworthy of being offered to the public. The rest of the work is no longer in...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

卢梭,18世纪法国启蒙思想家、哲学家、教育家、文学家、音乐家,法国大革命的思想先驱,启蒙运动最卓越的代表人物之一,被誉为“现代民主政体之父”。卢梭坚持社会契约论,主张建立资产阶级的“理性王国”;强调自由平等,反对压迫;提出“天赋人权”,反对专制、暴政。其代表作有:《论人类不平等的起源和基础》、 《社会契约论》、《爱弥儿》、《忏悔录》等。

目录 · · · · · ·

Prefatory NoteIntroductory NoteBOOK ONEChapter 1 Subject of the First BookChapter 2 Primitive SocietiesChapter 3 The Right of the StrongestChapter 4 SlaveryChapter 5 That It Is Always Necessary to Go Back to a First ConventionChapter 6 The Social PactChapter 7 The SovereignChapter 8 The Civil StateChapter 9 Real PropertyBOOK TWOChapter 1 That Sovereignty Is InalienableChapter 2 That Sovereignty Is IndivisibleChapter 3 Whether the General Will Can ErrChapter 4 The Limits of the Sovereign PowerChapter 5 The Right of Life and DeathChapter 6 The LawChapter 7 The LegislatorChapter 8 The PeopleChapter 9 The People (continued)Chapter 10 The People (continued)Chapter 11 The Different Systems of LegislationChapter 12 Division of the LawsBOOK THREEChapter 1 Government in GeneralChapter 2 The Principle Which Constitutes the Different Forms of GovernmentChapter 3 Classification of GovernmentsChapter 4 DemocracyChapter 5 AristocracyChapter 6 MonarchyChapter 7 Mixed GovernmentsChapter 8 That Every Form of Government Is Not Fit for Every CountryChapter 9 The Marks of a Good GovernmentChapter 10 The Abuse of the Government and lts Tendency to DegenerateChapter 11 The Dissolution of the Body PoliticChapter 12 How the Sovereign Authority Is MaintainedChapter 13 How the Sovereign Authority Is Maintained(continued)Chapter 14 How the Sovereign Authority Is Maintained(continued)Chapter 15 Deputies or RepresentativesChapter 16 That the Institution of the Government Is Not a ContractChapter 17 The Institution of the GovernmentChapter 18 Means of Preventing Usurpations of the GovernmentBOOK FOURChapter 1 That the General Will Is IndestructibleChapter 2 VotingChapter 3 ElectionsChapter 4 The Roman ComitiaChapter 5 The TribuneshipChapter 6 The DictatorshipChapter 7 The CensorshipChapter 8 Civil ReligionChapter 9 Conclusion

Prefatory NoteIntroductory NoteBOOK ONEChapter 1 Subject of the First BookChapter 2 Primitive SocietiesChapter 3 The Right of the StrongestChapter 4 SlaveryChapter 5 That It Is Always Necessary to Go Back to a First ConventionChapter 6 The Social PactChapter 7 The SovereignChapter 8 The Civil StateChapter 9 Real PropertyBOOK TWOChapter 1 That Sovereignty Is InalienableChapter 2 That Sovereignty Is IndivisibleChapter 3 Whether the General Will Can ErrChapter 4 The Limits of the Sovereign PowerChapter 5 The Right of Life and DeathChapter 6 The LawChapter 7 The LegislatorChapter 8 The PeopleChapter 9 The People (continued)Chapter 10 The People (continued)Chapter 11 The Different Systems of LegislationChapter 12 Division of the LawsBOOK THREEChapter 1 Government in GeneralChapter 2 The Principle Which Constitutes the Different Forms of GovernmentChapter 3 Classification of GovernmentsChapter 4 DemocracyChapter 5 AristocracyChapter 6 MonarchyChapter 7 Mixed GovernmentsChapter 8 That Every Form of Government Is Not Fit for Every CountryChapter 9 The Marks of a Good GovernmentChapter 10 The Abuse of the Government and lts Tendency to DegenerateChapter 11 The Dissolution of the Body PoliticChapter 12 How the Sovereign Authority Is MaintainedChapter 13 How the Sovereign Authority Is Maintained(continued)Chapter 14 How the Sovereign Authority Is Maintained(continued)Chapter 15 Deputies or RepresentativesChapter 16 That the Institution of the Government Is Not a ContractChapter 17 The Institution of the GovernmentChapter 18 Means of Preventing Usurpations of the GovernmentBOOK FOURChapter 1 That the General Will Is IndestructibleChapter 2 VotingChapter 3 ElectionsChapter 4 The Roman ComitiaChapter 5 The TribuneshipChapter 6 The DictatorshipChapter 7 The CensorshipChapter 8 Civil ReligionChapter 9 Conclusion
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作者: 陈很怪



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