Within the Frametxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者: [美]David duChemin 出版社: New Riders 副标题: The Journey of Photographic Vision 出版年: 2009-5-11 页数: 272 定价: USD 44.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780321605023
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Within the Frame is a book about finding and expressing your photographic vision, specifically where people, places, and cultures are concerned. A personal book full of real-world wisdom and incredible images, author David duChemin (of pixelatedimage.com) shows you both the how and the why of finding, chasing, and expressing your vision with a camera to your eye. Visi...
Within the Frame is a book about finding and expressing your photographic vision, specifically where people, places, and cultures are concerned. A personal book full of real-world wisdom and incredible images, author David duChemin (of pixelatedimage.com) shows you both the how and the why of finding, chasing, and expressing your vision with a camera to your eye. Vision leads to passion, and passion is a cornerstone of great photography. With it, photographs draw the eye in and create an emotional experience. Without it, a photograph is often not worth—and can’t capture—a viewer’s attention.
Both instructional and inspirational, Within the Frame helps you on your photographic journey to make better images of the places and people you love, whether they are around the world or in your own backyard. duChemin covers how to tell stories, and the technology and tools we have at our disposal in order to tell those narratives. Most importantly, he stresses the crucial theme of vision when it comes to photographing people, places, and cultures—and he helps you cultivate and find your own vision, and then fit it within the frame.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
David duChemin是一位国际摄影师,主要进行人道主义主题和世界主题摄影。他因工作环游全球。他曾在严冬的蒙古冒险,也曾去非洲拍摄杀人蜂;曾在埃塞俄比亚染上疟疾。也曾在秘鲁患上伤寒症,还在突尼斯从骆驼上摔下来.在印度被街上的孩子抓去打板球……他的各种冒险经历使他更加热爱这个世界和这个世界的居民。