Boundary Issuestxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者: Adams, Jane 出版社: John Wiley & Sons Inc 出版年: 2005-9 页数: 236 定价: 163.00元 装帧: HRD ISBN: 9780471660453
内容简介 · · · · · · ADVANCE PRAISE FOR BOUNDARY ISSUES "Jane Adams gets at the heart of human relationships by illuminating the boundaries that create and sustain them. Taking on a subject that everyone talks about but few people really understand, she breaks new psychological ground in this accessible, empathetic, and original book that offers concrete assistance and wise counsel to all who strug...
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR BOUNDARY ISSUES "Jane Adams gets at the heart of human relationships by illuminating the boundaries that create and sustain them. Taking on a subject that everyone talks about but few people really understand, she breaks new psychological ground in this accessible, empathetic, and original book that offers concrete assistance and wise counsel to all who struggle with the central dilemma of being human--being both separate and connected, intimate as well as autonomous, without sacrificing the self." --Edward Hallowell, M.D., coauthor of Delivered from Distraction "Understanding and respecting our own boundaries and others' is at the core of a happy life. Boundary Issues is a terrific journey into our own psychological needs, strengths, and weaknesses. We could all save a lot of therapeutic intervention by reading and following Dr. Adams's observations and suggestions." --Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., author of Love Between Equals: How Peer Marriage Really Works "All too rarely someone comes along who is able to turn a single phrase into a changed outlook on life. Dr. Jane Adams does that with Boundary Issues. By following Dr. Jane Adams's guidance and helpful exercises, each of us can find the freedom to love, work, negotiate, play, and live on our own terms." --Suzanne Braun Levine, author of Inventing the Rest of Our Lives: Women in Second Adulthood "I find this book vitally helpful, both personally and in my work as a psychotherapist. Learning to negotiate distance and intimacy is a huge issue for women who think that being joined at the hip is necessary for a relationship to survive." --Colette Dowling, author of The Cinderella Complex and You Mean I Don't Have to Feel This Way? "With her trademark wit and clarity, Jane Adams pulls at the threads that tie us together and tear us apart. She has translated decades of research into wise and inventive tools. Boundary Issues is the definitive book about finding both intimacy and independence." --Dr. Barbara Mackoff, author of Leadership as a Habit of Mind and Growing a Girl "Through her prescriptive advice and fascinating and relevant personal stories, Jane Adams helps us understand how to use Boundary Intelligence for happiness and personal growth." --Carole Hyatt, coauthor of When Smart People Fail: Rebuilding Yourself for Success