《Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows》电子书下载

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作者: J·K·Rowling
出版社: Bloomsbury
副标题: Potter and the Deathly Hallows
出版年: 2007-7-21
页数: 608
定价: GBP 17.99
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780747591061

内容简介 · · · · · ·


罗琳于2月1日更新了她的官方网站,里面登出了Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 《哈利波特与死圣》的出版日期。哈利波特7将于今年7月21日英国夏令时间00:01分开始发售。当然,今年也是《哈利波特与魔法石》的发售十周年纪念。

太阳报消息,罗琳在 Balmoral 旅馆的大理石像后边写下了下面的内容:“罗琳于2007年1月11日在此房间(652) 内完成Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 《哈利波特与死圣》的写作。”现在这条消息目前已经得到了BBC的证实。

The latest news about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows March 29th

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc is delighte...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

J.K.(JOANNE KATHLEEN) ROWLING has written fiction since she was a child.Born in 1965,she grew up in Chepstow and wrote her first‘book’at the age of six—a story about a rabbit called Rabbit.She studied French and Classics at Exeter University,then moved to London to work at Amnesty International,and then to Portugal to teach English as a foreign language,before settling in Edinb...

目录 · · · · · ·

Chapter One:The Dark Lord AscendingChapter Two:In MemoriamChapter Three:The Dursleys DepartingChapter Four:The Seven PottersChapter Five:Fallen WarriorChapter Six:The Ghoul in PajamasChapter Seven:The Will of Albus DumbledoreChapter Eight:The WeddingChapter Nine:A Place to HideChapter Ten:Kreacher's TaleChapter Eleven:The BribeChapter Twelve:Magic is MightChapter Thirteen:The Muggle-Born Registration CommissionChapter Fourteen:The ThiefChapter Fifteen:The Goblin's RevengeChapter Sixteen:Godric's HollowChapter Seventeen:Bathilda's SecretChapter Eighteen:The Life and Lies of Albus DumbledoreChapter Nineteen:The Silver DoeChapter Twenty:Xenophilius LovegoodChapter Twenty-One:The Tale of the Three BrothersChapter Twenty-Two:The Deathly HallowsChapter Twenty-Three:Malfoy ManorChapter Twenty-Four:The WandmakerChapter Twenty-Five:Shell CottageChapter Twenty-Six:GringottsChapter Twenty-Seven:The Final Hiding PlaceChapter Twenty-Eight:The Missing MirrorChapter Twenty-Nine:The Lost DiademChapter Thirty:The Sacking of Severus SnapeChapter Thirty-One:The Battle of HogwartsChapter Thirty-Two:The Elder WandChapter Thirty-Three:The Prince's TaleChapter Thirty-Four:The Forest AgainChapter Thirty-Five:King's CrossChapter Thirty-Six:The Flaw in the PlanNineteen Years Later

Chapter One:The Dark Lord AscendingChapter Two:In MemoriamChapter Three:The Dursleys DepartingChapter Four:The Seven PottersChapter Five:Fallen WarriorChapter Six:The Ghoul in PajamasChapter Seven:The Will of Albus DumbledoreChapter Eight:The WeddingChapter Nine:A Place to HideChapter Ten:Kreacher's TaleChapter Eleven:The BribeChapter Twelve:Magic is MightChapter Thirteen:The Muggle-Born Registration CommissionChapter Fourteen:The ThiefChapter Fifteen:The Goblin's RevengeChapter Sixteen:Godric's HollowChapter Seventeen:Bathilda's SecretChapter Eighteen:The Life and Lies of Albus DumbledoreChapter Nineteen:The Silver DoeChapter Twenty:Xenophilius LovegoodChapter Twenty-One:The Tale of the Three BrothersChapter Twenty-Two:The Deathly HallowsChapter Twenty-Three:Malfoy ManorChapter Twenty-Four:The WandmakerChapter Twenty-Five:Shell CottageChapter Twenty-Six:GringottsChapter Twenty-Seven:The Final Hiding PlaceChapter Twenty-Eight:The Missing MirrorChapter Twenty-Nine:The Lost DiademChapter Thirty:The Sacking of Severus SnapeChapter Thirty-One:The Battle of HogwartsChapter Thirty-Two:The Elder WandChapter Thirty-Three:The Prince's TaleChapter Thirty-Four:The Forest AgainChapter Thirty-Five:King's CrossChapter Thirty-Six:The Flaw in the PlanNineteen Years Later
· · · · · · ()



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