The Lost Lawyertxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Anthony Kronman 出版社: Belknap Press 副标题: Failing Ideals of the Legal Profession 出版年: 1995-3-15 页数: 440 定价: USD 36.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780674539273
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Anthony Kronman describes a spiritual crisis affecting the American legal profession, and attributes it to the collapse of what he calls the ideal of the lawyer-statesman: a set of values that prizes good judgment above technical competence and encourages a public-spirited devotion to the law. For nearly two centuries, Kronman argues, the aspirations of American lawyers were sh...
Anthony Kronman describes a spiritual crisis affecting the American legal profession, and attributes it to the collapse of what he calls the ideal of the lawyer-statesman: a set of values that prizes good judgment above technical competence and encourages a public-spirited devotion to the law. For nearly two centuries, Kronman argues, the aspirations of American lawyers were shaped by their allegiance to a distinctive ideal of professional excellence. In the last generation, however, this ideal has failed, undermining the identity of lawyers as a group and making it unclear to those in the profession what it means for them personally to leave chosen a life in the law. A variety of factors have contributed to the declining prestige of prudence and public-spiritedness within the legal profession. Partly, Kronman asserts, it is the result of the triumph, in legal thought, of a counterideal that denigrates the importance of wisdom and character as professional virtues. Partly, it is due to an array of institutional forces, including the explosive growth of the country's leading law firms and the bureaucratization of our courts. The Lost Lawyer examines each of these developments and illuminates their common tendency to compromise the values from which the ideal of the lawyer-statesman draws strength. It is the most important critique of the American legal profession in some time, and an enduring restatement of its ideals.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
安索尼·T.克罗曼耶鲁大学Sterling讲席法学教授(Sterling Professor of Law),曾任耶鲁大学法学院院长。主要研究领域为合同法、破产法、法理学、社会理论以及职业责任。
代表著作有:Education's End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life, Cases and Materials on Contract Law(与Friedrich Kessler,Grant Gilmore合著),Max Weber,The Economics ofContract Law(与理查德·波斯纳合著),以及本书。