99 Ways to Tell a Storytxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Madden, Matt 出版年: 2006-7 页数: 208 定价: 155.00元 ISBN: 9780224079259
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Matt Madden's "99 Ways to Tell a Story" is a series of one-page comics that tell the same story in a variety of ways. Inspired by Raymond Queneau's 1947 work of the same title, which told a simple story in ninety-nine different styles and genres - haiku, sonnet, book jacket blurb - Madden does the same but in different styles of comics - Marvel superhero, R. Crumb, Herge, even ...
Matt Madden's "99 Ways to Tell a Story" is a series of one-page comics that tell the same story in a variety of ways. Inspired by Raymond Queneau's 1947 work of the same title, which told a simple story in ninety-nine different styles and genres - haiku, sonnet, book jacket blurb - Madden does the same but in different styles of comics - Marvel superhero, R. Crumb, Herge, even as a map or the Bayeux Tapestry. Or he uses varying points of view, visual and verbal parodies, even radical reshuffling of the elements of the story. The result is funny, inspiring, and genuinely clever.