《Ethnicity and Nationalism》电子书下载

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作者:Thomas Hylland Eriksen
出版社: Pluto Press
副标题: Anthropological Perspectives
出版年: 2010-11-8
页数: 256
定价: USD 100.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780745330433

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Ethnicity and nationalism are pervasive features of the contemporary world, but how far is ethnicity a result of cultural differences, and how much is it in fact dependent on the practical use of, and belief in, such differences? In this book, Thomas Hylland Eriksen demonstrates that far from being an immutable property of groups, ethnicity is a dynamic and shifting aspect of s...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Thomas Hylland Eriksen is an anthropologist based at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, Norway. His work is motivated by a double concern: to understand the present world, and to understand what it means to be human. Much of his work is comparative and interdisciplinary. His research has involved fieldwork in several ethnically and culturally complex soc...

目录 · · · · · ·

Series Preface viii
Preface to the Third Edition ix
Preface to the Second Edition x
Preface to the First Edition xi
1. What is Ethnicity? 1
The term itself 4; Ethnicity and race 5; Ethnicity, nation and
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Series Preface viii
Preface to the Third Edition ix
Preface to the Second Edition x
Preface to the First Edition xi
1. What is Ethnicity? 1
The term itself 4; Ethnicity and race 5; Ethnicity, nation and
class 9; The current concern with ethnicity 11; From tribe to ethnic
group 13; So what is ethnicity? 15; Kinds of ethnic relations 17;
Analytical concepts and ‘native’ concepts 20
2. Ethnic Classification: Us and Them 23
The ecology of the city 23; The melting-pot metaphor 25;
Communicating cultural difference 26; Stereotyping 28; Folk
taxonomies and social distance 31; Contrasting and matching 33;
Ethnic stigma 35; Negotiating identity 37; Ethnicity from the
individual’s point of view 38; Criteria for ethnicity 40
3. The Social Organisation of Cultural Distinctiveness 43
Ascription as a decisive feature of ethnicity 43; Boundary
maintenance 45; Boundary transcendence and fluidity 46; Degrees
of ethnic incorporation 48; Ethnicity as resource competition 53;
Levels of ethnic incorporation 54; The theory of plural societies 57;
Ethnicity and hierarchy 58; The interrelationship between criteria 61;
Instrumentalism and its critics 63; A problem of culture 66
4. Ethnic Identification and Ideology 70
Order in the social universe 72; Anomalies 73; Entrepreneurs 77;
Analog and digital; we and us 79; The emergence of ethnic
identities 80; The creation of an ancestral identity 83; History and
ideology 84; Genetics, kinship and ethnicity 87; Social factors in
identity processes 88; Is a European identity conceivable? 89; What
do identities do? 92
5. Ethnicity in History 95
The historical development of ethnic relations 96; Expansions of
system boundaries 96; Capitalism and individualisation 98; The label
‘black identity’ 99; Indians in new worlds 101; Ethnic revitalisation:
from people to a people 103; Colonialism and migration 104; The
power of naming 106; Modern education and ethnic identity 109;
Ethnicity, history and culture 110; History and myth 112
6. Nationalism 117
The race to nation 117; What is nationalism? 119; The nation as a
cultural community 122; The political use of cultural symbols 123;
Nationalism and industrial society 125; Communication technology
and nationhood 126; Nationalism as metaphoric kinship 129; The
nation-state 131; Nationalism against the state 132; Nationalism and
the Other 134; The problem of identity boundaries 136; Nationalism
without ethnicity? 140; Nationalism and ethnicity reconsidered 144
7. Minorities and the State 147
Minorities and majorities 147; Minorities and the state 148; The
creation of minorities in the modern world 151; Indigeneity 152;
Territorial conflict 153; Stages in ethnogenesis 155; Factors in
indigenous ethnogenesis 157; Immigrant minorities 159; Boundaries
and hybridity 161; Culture and economics among migrants 163;
Identities and culture 167; Ethnicity in the US: race, class and
language 168; Minorities and modernity 171
8. Identity Politics, Culture and Rights 174
Dilemmas of ethnic diversity 174; Multiculturalism and its
critics 176; Beyond the standard paradigm of nation-building 178;
Embedded discourses about culture and pluralism 181; Struggles
over cultural identity and social integration 184; Diaspora and
hybridity 186; Transnationalism and long-distance nationalism 187;
The modernity of Hindutva 192; Some generic features of identity
politics 194
9. The Non-Ethnic 198
Globalisation 199; Social theory and the postmodern world 202;
Changes in the world of intergroup relations 204; Globalisation and
localisation 206; Identities and loyalties 209; Gender, ethnicity and
nationhood 211; Beyond ethnicity? 213; The end of ethnicity? 215;
The eye of the beholder 218
Bibliography 220
Index 237
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