The Lake of Darknesstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Ruth Rendell 出版社: Vintage 出版年: 2001-09 页数: 224 定价: USD 11.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780375704970
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Martin Urban is a quiet bachelor with a comfortable life, free of worry and distractions. When he unexpectedly comes into a small fortune, he decides to use his newfound wealth to help out those in need. Finn also leads a quiet life, and comes into a little money of his own. Normally, their paths would never have crossed. But Martin’s ideas about who should benefit from his cha...
Martin Urban is a quiet bachelor with a comfortable life, free of worry and distractions. When he unexpectedly comes into a small fortune, he decides to use his newfound wealth to help out those in need. Finn also leads a quiet life, and comes into a little money of his own. Normally, their paths would never have crossed. But Martin’s ideas about who should benefit from his charitable impulses yield some unexpected results, and soon the good intentions of the one become fatally entangled with the mercenary nature of the other. In the Lake of Darkness, Ruth Rendell takes the old adage that no good deed goes unpunished to a startling, haunting conclusion.
鲁斯•伦德尔生于一九三〇年,父母都是教师。父亲出身于朴利茅斯的贫寒之家。母亲生于瑞典,长于丹麦。从诺顿公立中学毕业后,她进入当地报社担任记者,后来也做过助理编辑的工作。一九五○年,二十岁的她与记者同事唐纳•伦德尔结为连理,两年后她辞掉工作,专心在家抚育刚出生的儿子。就这样,她当了十年家庭主妇,平常在家以写小说打发时间,而且对各种类型小说都跃跃欲试。说也奇怪,鲁斯刚开始创作时并未试图接洽出版商,直到写完六本小说之后才寻求出版机会。一九六四年,她的第一部推理小说《杜恩来的死讯》(From Doon with Death)问世,而她笔下最著名的韦克斯福德督察就此与读者见面。这本处女作一开始就有不错的销量,而且舆论也看好她是极具才华的新锐作家。从那时候起,她的名声随着作品的陆续发表而逐渐累积,至今在欧美各国已拥有大批忠实读者。
她的小说以惊悚、恐怖,令人震惊著称。其创作大致可以分为三大部分:一、以韦克斯福德警官为中心形象的警察程序小说;二、重在对罪犯的变态心理予以研究的小说,如《黑暗之湖》(The Lake of Darkness)、《以石为判》(A Judgment in Stone);三、二十世纪八十年代以芭芭拉•薇安为笔名发表的作品。发表于八十年代的作品给她带来了莫大的声誉。鲁斯•伦德尔认为,作家要是将自己固定在一种类型小说当中,创作灵感就会日渐干涸。所以,她的创作并不止步于侦探小说。可以说,鲁斯•伦德尔缩小了侦探小说与纯文学之间的界限。她非凡的想象力、对城市与乡村生活的敏锐洞察力,是无与伦比的。