World of Warcraft Vol. 3txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Simonson, Walter &. Louise; Various; 出版年: 2011-4 页数: 176 定价: $ 20.33 ISBN: 9781401228118
内容简介 · · · · · ·
The third graphic novel based on the world’s most popular massively multiplayer online game, with over 9 million players worldwide! The adventure continues! King Varian and his companions attempt to heal the rift between Horde and Alliance by seeking out help from ogre leader Thrall. Garona, the assassin who drove these factions apart by killing Varian’s father, is back and sti...
The third graphic novel based on the world’s most popular massively multiplayer online game, with over 9 million players worldwide! The adventure continues! King Varian and his companions attempt to heal the rift between Horde and Alliance by seeking out help from ogre leader Thrall. Garona, the assassin who drove these factions apart by killing Varian’s father, is back and still under the spell which made her kill King Llane. King Varian must also contend with the evil group Twilight’s Hammer, which is under the power of the sinister “The Master.”