The Power of the Dogtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Don Winslow 出版社: Vintage 副标题: Power of the Dog 出版年: 2006-5-9 页数: 560 定价: USD 15.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781400096930
内容简介 · · · · · ·
From the bestselling author of Savages (now an Oliver Stone film).
An explosive novel of the drug trade, The Power of the Dog , takes you deep inside a world riddled with corruption, betrayal, and bloody revenge. Art Montana is an obsessive DEA agent. The Barrera brothers are heirs to a drug empire. Nora Hayden is a jaded teenager who becomes a high-class hooker. Father ...
From the bestselling author of Savages (now an Oliver Stone film).
An explosive novel of the drug trade, The Power of the Dog , takes you deep inside a world riddled with corruption, betrayal, and bloody revenge. Art Montana is an obsessive DEA agent. The Barrera brothers are heirs to a drug empire. Nora Hayden is a jaded teenager who becomes a high-class hooker. Father Parada is a powerful and uncorruptable Catholic priest. Callan is an Irish kid from Hell’s kitchen who grows up to be a merciless hitman. And they are all trapped in the world of the Mexican drug Federaci ó n . From the streets of New York City to Mexico City and Tiajuana to the jungles of Central America, this is the war on drugs like you’ve never seen it.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
唐‧溫斯洛 Don Winslow
《紐約時報》暢銷書作者、雷蒙.錢德勒獎得主,著作甚豐,作品包括《Cool》、由導演奧立佛.史東改編為電影的《野蠻告白》、《The winter of Frankie Machine》,以及獲得高度好評的《犬之力》等書。
溫斯洛出生於羅德島小鎮,身為水手與圖書館員之子,自小就浸淫在書香與口述故事的世界裡。在大學取得非洲研究學位之後,他曾經作過電影院經理與私家偵探,又返回學校取得軍事史碩士,隨後的行跡遍佈亞非與歐美,在這段期間也出了首部小說《A cool Breeze on the Underground》,初試啼聲即獲愛倫坡獎提名的殊榮。
《紐約時報》暢銷書作者、雷蒙.錢德勒獎得主,著作甚豐,作品包括《Cool》、由導演奧立佛.史東改編為電影的《野蠻告白》、《The winter of Frankie Machine》,以及獲得高度好評的《犬之力》等書。
溫斯洛出生於羅德島小鎮,身為水手與圖書館員之子,自小就浸淫在書香與口述故事的世界裡。在大學取得非洲研究學位之後,他曾經作過電影院經理與私家偵探,又返回學校取得軍事史碩士,隨後的行跡遍佈亞非與歐美,在這段期間也出了首部小說《A cool Breeze on the Underground》,初試啼聲即獲愛倫坡獎提名的殊榮。
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