Burma Chroniclestxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者: Guy Delisle 出版社: Jonathan Cape 出版年: 2009-4-16 页数: 272 定价: GBP 14.99 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780224087711
内容简介 · · · · · ·
After developing his acclaimed style of firsthand reporting with his bestselling graphic novels "Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea" and "Shenzen: A Travelogue from China", Guy Delisle is back with "Burma Chronicles". In this country notorious for its use of concealment and isolation as social control - where scissors-wielding censors monitor the papers, the de facto leader of...
After developing his acclaimed style of firsthand reporting with his bestselling graphic novels "Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea" and "Shenzen: A Travelogue from China", Guy Delisle is back with "Burma Chronicles". In this country notorious for its use of concealment and isolation as social control - where scissors-wielding censors monitor the papers, the de facto leader of the opposition has been under decade-long house arrest, insurgent-controlled regions are effectively cut off from the world, and rumour is the most reliable source of current information - he turns his gaze to the everyday for a sense of the bigger picture. Delisle's deft and recognisable renderings take note of almsgiving rituals, daylong power-cuts and rampant heroin use in outlying regions, in this place where catastrophic mismanagement and ironhanded rule come up against profound resilience of spirit, expatriate life ambles along, and non-governmental organisations struggle with the risk of co-option by the military junta. "Burma Chronicles" is drawn with a minimal line, and interspersed with wordless vignettes and moments of Delisle's distinctive slapstick humour.
1999年首部作品《艾琳與她們的故事》(Aline et les autres)獲《The Comics Journal》選為當年歐洲漫畫五本重要作品之一。展現犀利幽默的風格。後因自身遊歷世界的獨特經驗,開始創作半自傳體的旅行報導作品。2001年發表《深圳初體驗》(Shenzhen);2003年出版《平壤小確幸》(Pyongyang);2011年發表的《耶路薩冷微感受》(Chroniques de Jérusalem)更奪得法國安古蘭國際漫畫節最佳漫...
1999年首部作品《艾琳與她們的故事》(Aline et les autres)獲《The Comics Journal》選為當年歐洲漫畫五本重要作品之一。展現犀利幽默的風格。後因自身遊歷世界的獨特經驗,開始創作半自傳體的旅行報導作品。2001年發表《深圳初體驗》(Shenzhen);2003年出版《平壤小確幸》(Pyongyang);2011年發表的《耶路薩冷微感受》(Chroniques de Jérusalem)更奪得法國安古蘭國際漫畫節最佳漫畫金獸獎。