An old man lies dying. Confined to bed in his living room, he sees the walls around him begin to collapse, the windows come loose from their sashes, and the ceiling plaster fall off in great chunks, showering him with a lifetime of debris: newspaper clippings, old photographs, wool jackets, rusty tools, and the mangled brass works of antique clocks. Soon, the clouds from the sk...
An old man lies dying. Confined to bed in his living room, he sees the walls around him begin to collapse, the windows come loose from their sashes, and the ceiling plaster fall off in great chunks, showering him with a lifetime of debris: newspaper clippings, old photographs, wool jackets, rusty tools, and the mangled brass works of antique clocks. Soon, the clouds from the sky above plummet down on top of him, followed by the stars, till the black night covers him like a shroud. He is hallucinating, in death throes from cancer and kidney failure. A methodical repairer of clocks, he is now finally released from the usual constraints of time and memory to rejoin his father, an epileptic, itinerant peddler, whom he had lost seven decades before. In his return to the wonder and pain of his impoverished childhood in the backwoods of Maine, he recovers a natural world that is at once indifferent to man and inseparable from him, menacing and awe inspiring. Heartbreaking and life affirming, TINKERS is an elegiac meditation on love, loss, and the fierce beauty of nature.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
保罗•哈丁,美国作家、音乐家。他少年时代经常“在丛林中游荡”,对大自然有着深切的爱和体悟。后参与创建“Cold Water Flat”乐队,担任鼓手,曾在美国和欧洲巡回演出。他从小酷爱阅读。当读到卡洛斯•富恩特斯的《我们的土地》时,他突然感到“这才是我要做的事”,从此萌发文学创作之念。他的首部小说《修补匠》原本默默无闻,却凭借其厚积薄发的文学内涵获得2010年普利策小说奖。