The Little SAS Booktxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Lora D. Delwiche/Susan J. Slaughter 出版社: SAS Publishing 副标题: A Primer, Fourth Edition 出版年: 2008-8-25 页数: 376 定价: USD 40.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781599947259
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Now in its fourth edition, The Little SAS Book is a classic, helping many people learn SAS programming. The book's friendly, easy-to-read style gently introduces readers to the most commonly used features of the SAS language. Topics include basic SAS concepts such as the DATA and PROC steps, inputting data, modifying and combining data sets, summarizing data, producing reports,...
Now in its fourth edition, The Little SAS Book is a classic, helping many people learn SAS programming. The book's friendly, easy-to-read style gently introduces readers to the most commonly used features of the SAS language. Topics include basic SAS concepts such as the DATA and PROC steps, inputting data, modifying and combining data sets, summarizing data, producing reports, and debugging SAS programs. Each topic is presented in a self-contained two-page layout complete with examples and graphics. This clear and concise format enables new users to get up and running quickly, while the examples allow readers to type in the program and see it work New topics in the fourth edition include ODS Graphics for statistical procedures, PROC SGPLOT for graphics, creating new variables in PROC REPORT with a COMPUTE block, WHERE= data set option, SORTSEQ=LINGUISTIC option in PROC SORT, and more functions, including ANYALPHA, CAT, PROPCASE, and YRDIF.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Lora D. Delwiche brings over 25 years of SAS software expertise to this edition. Lora enjoys teaching people about SAS software and likes solving challenging problems using SAS. She has spent most of her career at the University of California, Davis, using SAS in support of teaching and research. Her experience working with users from many different disciplines prompted her to ...
Lora D. Delwiche brings over 25 years of SAS software expertise to this edition. Lora enjoys teaching people about SAS software and likes solving challenging problems using SAS. She has spent most of her career at the University of California, Davis, using SAS in support of teaching and research. Her experience working with users from many different disciplines prompted her to write a small, friendly book that would give new users a quick start.
Susan J. Slaughter discovered SAS software in graduate school over 25 years ago. Since then, she has used SAS in a variety of business and academic settings. She now works as a consultant through her company, Avocet Solutions. Her experience managing large databases, teaching SAS software classes, and writing about SAS inspired her to write a book that is both informative and fun to read.