简明量子场论(第2版)(英文)txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者: [美]徐一鸿 出版社: 世界图书出版公司北京公司 原作名: Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell 出版年: 2013-10-1 页数: 576 定价: 118元 装帧: 平装 ISBN: 9787510061448 内容简介 · · · · · ·这是华裔著名物理学家徐一鸿教授的又一本关于物理学的专著。量子场论是物理学之大成,它融合了狭义相对论和量子力学,是物理学精义的集中体现,也是物理学最艰深的部分之一。许多量子场论的教程,写的晦涩难懂。冗长复杂的数学公式,让物理学的核心思想模糊不清,不知所在。物理学的专业人士,也常常不知所云,更遑论一般读者。而徐一鸿教授的“Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell”,无论是写作的风格,或者是问题的阐述及处理,都一扫前非。《简明量子场论(第2版)》用略带口语化的语言写成,作者似乎是面对面与你谈论有关的物理学话题。体现作者深刻物理学智慧的内容,俯拾皆是。用最简洁的数学工具,凸显物理学思想,结合轻松幽默的语言,不经意之间,将你引入物理学问题的核心。阅读《简明量子场论(第2版)》给你带来的喜悦,和喜悦之后的收获,似乎只有“The Fey... 目录 · · · · · ·preface to the first editionpreface to the second edition convention, notation, and units part i: motivation and foundation 1.1 who needs it? 1.2 path integral formulation of quantum physics · · · · · ·() preface to the first edition preface to the second edition convention, notation, and units part i: motivation and foundation 1.1 who needs it? 1.2 path integral formulation of quantum physics 1.3 from mattress to field 1.4 from field to particle to force 1.5 coulomb and newton: repulsion and attraction 1.6 inverse square law and the floating 3-brane 1.7 feynman diagrams 1.8 quantizing canonically 1.9 disturbing the vacuum 1.10 symmetry 1.11 field theory in curved spacetime 1.12 field theory redux part ii: dirac and the spinor ii.1 the dirac equation ii.2 quantizing the dirac field .ii.3 lorentz group and weyl spinors ii.4 spin-statistics connection ii.5 vacuum energy, grassmann integrals, and feynman diagrams for fermions ii.6 electron scattering and gauge invariance ii.7 diagrammatic proof of gauge invariance ii.8 photon-electron scattering and crossing part iii: renormalization and gauge invariance iii.1 cutting off our ignorance iii.2 renormalizable versus nonrenormalizable iii.3 counterterms and physical perturbation theory iii.4 gauge invariance: a photon can find no rest iii.5 field theory without relativity iii.6 the magnetic moment of the electron iii.7 polarizing the vacuum and renormalizing the charge iii.8 becoming imaginary and conserving probability part iv: symmetry and symmetry breaking iv.1 symmetry breaking iv.2 the pion as a nambu-goldstone boson iv.3 effective potential iv.4 magnetic monopole iv.5 nonabelian gauge theory iv.6 the anderson-higgs mechanism iv.7 chiral anomaly part v: field theory and collective phenomena v.1 superfluids v.2 euclid, boltzmann, hawking, and field theory at finite temperature v.3 landau-ginzburg theory of critical phenomena v.4 superconductivity v.5 peierls instability v.6 solitons v.7 vortices, monopoles, and instantons part vi: field theory and condensed matter vi.1 fractional statistics, chern-simons term, and topological field theory vi.2 quantum hall fluids vi.3 duality vi.4 the a models as effective field theories vi.5 ferromagnets and antiferromagnets vi.6 surface growth and field theory vi.7 disorder: replicas and grassmannian symmetry vi.8 renormalization group flow as a natural concept in high energy and condensed matter physics part vii: grand unification vii.1 quantizing yang-mills theory and lattice gauge theory vii.2 electroweak unification vii.3 quantum chromodynamics vii.4 large n expansion vii.5 grand unification vii.6 protons are not forever vii.7 so(10) unification part viii: gravity and beyond viii.1 gravity as a field theory and the kaluza-klein picture viii.2 the cosmological constant problem and the cosmic coincidence problems viii.3 effective field theory approach to understanding nature viii.4 supersymmetry: a very brief introduction viii.5 a glimpse of string theory as a 2-dimensional field theory closing words part n n.1 gravitational waves and effective field theory n.2 gluon scattering in pure yang-mills theory n.3 subterranean connections in gauge theories n.4 is einstein gravity secretly the square of yang-mills theory? more closing words appendix a: gaussian integration and the central identity of quantum field theory appendix b: a brief review of group theory appendix c: feynman rules appendix d: various identities and feynman integrals appendix e: dotted and undotted indices and the majorana spinor solutions to selected exercises further reading index · · · · · · () |