Practical C Programmingtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Steve Oualline 出版社: O'Reilly Media 出版年: 1993-11-01 定价: USD 29.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781565920354
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There are lots of introductory C books, but this edition of Practical C Programming is the one that has the no-nonsense, practical approach that has made Nutshell Handbooks(R) so popular. C programming is more than just getting the syntax right. Style and debugging also play a tremendous part in creating programs that run well and are easy to maintain. Practical C Programming t...
There are lots of introductory C books, but this edition of Practical C Programming is the one that has the no-nonsense, practical approach that has made Nutshell Handbooks(R) so popular. C programming is more than just getting the syntax right. Style and debugging also play a tremendous part in creating programs that run well and are easy to maintain. Practical C Programming teaches you not only the mechanics of programming, but also how to create programs that are easy to read, debug, and maintain. This third edition introduces popular Integrated Development Environments on Windows systems, as well as UNIX programming utilities, and features a large statistics-generating program to pull together the concepts and features in the language.