Night Train to Lisbontxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Mercier, Pascal 译者:Harshav, MS Barbara 出版年: 2007-12 页数: 438 定价: $ 28.25 ISBN: 9780802118585
内容简介 · · · · · ·
A huge international best seller, this ambitious novel plumbs the depths of our shared humanity to offer up a breathtaking insight into life, love, and literature itself. A major hit in Germany that went on to become one of Europe’s biggest literary blockbusters in the last five years, Night Train to Lisbon is an astonishing novel, a compelling exploration of consciousness, the...
A huge international best seller, this ambitious novel plumbs the depths of our shared humanity to offer up a breathtaking insight into life, love, and literature itself. A major hit in Germany that went on to become one of Europe’s biggest literary blockbusters in the last five years, Night Train to Lisbon is an astonishing novel, a compelling exploration of consciousness, the possibility of truly understanding another person, and the ability of language to define our very selves. Raimund Gregorius is a Latin teacher at a Swiss college who one day—after a chance encounter with a mysterious Portuguese woman—abandons his old life to start a new one. He takes the night train to Lisbon and carries with him a book by Amadeu de Prado, a (fictional) Portuguese doctor and essayist whose writings explore the ideas of loneliness, mortality, death, friendship, love, and loyalty. Gregorius becomes obsessed by what he reads and restlessly struggles to comprehend the life of the author. His investigations lead him all over the city of Lisbon, as he speaks to those who were entangled in Prado’s life. Gradually, the picture of an extraordinary man emerges—a doctor and poet who rebelled against Salazar’s dictatorship.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
帕斯卡.梅西耶 (Pascal Mercier)
本名Peter Bieri,1944年生于瑞士伯恩,目前是柏林自由大学的哲学教授,专擅领域是探讨自由,除了学术领域,梅西耶更广为人知的身份是小说家,前两本小说《佩尔曼的沉默》(Perlmanns Schweigen,19 95)与《钢琴调音师》(Der Klavierstimmer,1998),受到文坛瞩目。在2004年问世的第三部小说《里斯本夜车》(Nachtzug nach Lissabon)高踞德国畅销书榜140周,被翻译成十五国文字出版,全球销量超过 250万册,2007年获颁意大利格林尚内卡渥(Premio Grinzane Cavour)文学奖的最佳外文小说奖。
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