《The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation》电子书下载
The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisationtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Professor John M. Hobson 出版社: Cambridge University Press 出版年: 2004-7-5 页数: 396 定价: USD 125.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780521838351
内容简介 · · · · · ·
John Hobson challenges the ethnocentric bias of mainstream accounts of the Rise of the West. It is often assumed that since Ancient Greek times Europeans have pioneered their own development, and that the East has been a passive by-stander in the story of progressive world history. Hobson argues that there were two processes that enabled the Rise of the 'Oriental West'. First, ...
John Hobson challenges the ethnocentric bias of mainstream accounts of the Rise of the West. It is often assumed that since Ancient Greek times Europeans have pioneered their own development, and that the East has been a passive by-stander in the story of progressive world history. Hobson argues that there were two processes that enabled the Rise of the 'Oriental West'. First, each major developmental turning point in Europe was informed in large part by the assimilation of Eastern inventions (e.g. ideas, technologies and institutions) which diffused from the more advanced East across the Eastern-led global economy between 500-1800. Second, the construction of European identity after 1453 led to imperialism, through which Europeans appropriated many Eastern resources (land, labour and markets). Hobson's book thus propels the hitherto marginalised Eastern peoples to the forefront of the story of progress in world history.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
约翰·霍布森(John M Hobson).英国谢菲尔德大学政治与国际关系学高级讲师.著有《国家财富:国际经济和政治变化中的比较社会学》(1997)、《国家与国际关系》(2000),与林达·维斯(Linda Weiss)合著《国家与经济发展:一种历史比较分析》(1995),与史蒂夫·霍布顿(Steve Hobden)合编《国际关系的历史料会学》(2002)。