From the acclaimed author of A Tour of the Calculus and The Advent of the Algorithm, here is a riveting look at mathematics that reveals a hidden world in some of its most fundamental concepts.
In his latest foray into mathematics, David Berlinski takes on the simplest questions that can be asked: What is a number? How do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division...
From the acclaimed author of A Tour of the Calculus and The Advent of the Algorithm, here is a riveting look at mathematics that reveals a hidden world in some of its most fundamental concepts.
In his latest foray into mathematics, David Berlinski takes on the simplest questions that can be asked: What is a number? How do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division actually work? What are geometry and logic? As he delves into these subjects, he discovers and lucidly describes the beauty and complexity behind their seemingly simple exteriors, making clear how and why these mercurial, often slippery concepts are essential to who we are.
Filled with illuminating historical anecdotes and asides on some of the most fascinating mathematicians through the ages, One, Two, Three is a captivating exploration of the foundation of mathematics: how it originated, who thought of it, and why it matters.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
哥伦比亚大学学士,普林斯顿大学博士。他是著名数学家,也是畅销书作家和深具影响力的思想家。曾在美国和法国多所大学教授数学与哲学。 著作甚丰,包括《微积分之旅》(A Tour of the Calculus)、《牛顿的礼物》(Newton’s Gift)、《演算法的诞生》(The Advent of the Algorithm)、《微分拓扑学的起源》(The Rise of DifferentialTopology)等书。