In Competition Demystified, Bruce Greenwald, one of the nation's leading economists, presents a new and simplified approach to business strategy that cuts through much of the fog that has surrounded the subject. Based on his course at Columbia Business School, Greenwald and co-author Judd Kahn offer an easy-to-follow method for understanding the competitive structure of your industry and developing an appropriate strategy for your specific position.
The authors illustrate their principles with detailed examples drawn from prominent companies in a wide range of industries, including Wal-Mart, Coors, Cisco, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Kodak, Sotheby's, Fox Broadcasting, and Coca-Cola.
THE MOST IMPORTANT NEW BOOK ON COMPETITIVE STRATEGY IN A QUARTER OF A CENTURY Since 1980, Michael Porter's classic Competitive Strategy has provided the methodology that most big companies use for strategic analysis. But now, distinguished Columbia Business School professor Bruce Greenwald offers a bold, new and much simpler theory. Porter identified a complex five-force model for studying competition in any market. But Greenwald argues that there is only one essential factor in determining competitive advantages: how easy it is for competitors to enter or expand in a given market. If a company can erect strong barriers to entry - through customer captivity, lower production costs or economies of scale - it can manage these advantages, anticipate competitors' moves or achieve stability through bargaining and cooperation. Greenwald draws on game theory to explain what you should do if barriers to entry are strong, weak or nonexistent. He covers a wide range of examples, from retail to telecommunications to auction houses. And his lessons can be applied whether your business is dominated by a single huge player, a handful of roughly equal players or no one at all. COMPETITION DEMYSTIFIED will give executives and strategic planners an indispensable new way to exploit competitive advantage and achieve exceptional profits and is destined to become a management classic.
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