My Best Friend's Girltxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Dorothy Koomson 出版社: Time Warner Paperbacks 出版年: 2006 页数: 448 定价: 121.00元 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780751537079
内容简介 · · · · · ·
When Kamryn Ryn Matika gets a call from college friend Adele Del Brannon, she reluctantly heads to the hospital where Adele is dying of cancer. The two had been odd couple friends (working-class Ryn is black, posh Adele is white) while attending Leeds University, but their friendship did not survive Del's admission of an affair with Ryn's fiancé Nate Turner, which also ended Ry...
When Kamryn Ryn Matika gets a call from college friend Adele Del Brannon, she reluctantly heads to the hospital where Adele is dying of cancer. The two had been odd couple friends (working-class Ryn is black, posh Adele is white) while attending Leeds University, but their friendship did not survive Del's admission of an affair with Ryn's fiancé Nate Turner, which also ended Ryn's relationship with Nate. The affair did result, however, in the now-five-year-old Tegan, and Del has called Ryn to ask her to adopt the adorable girl. Ryn agrees, but must face down Del's stepmother, Muriel, to do it. She finds surprising help from new boss Luke Wiseman, who, after meeting her unceremoniously, loves Tegan (and eventually Ryn, too), but the return of Nate, who doesn't know Tegan is his daughter, promises to reopen old wounds. Koomson's U.S. debut is a three-hankie delight.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
桃乐丝·库姆森(Dorothy Koomson)为非裔英国人,十三岁时就写了第一本小说《爱恨一线间》(There's A Thin Line Between Love And Hate),在教会学校的同学间传阅,引起轰动,也埋下日后持续写作的种子。而后在利兹大学攻读心理学与公共媒体学位,并赴伦敦大学深造,获得新闻硕士学位。毕业后主编女性杂志,也替报章媒体写稿。
桃乐丝·库姆森(Dorothy Koomson)为非裔英国人,十三岁时就写了第一本小说《爱恨一线间》(There's A Thin Line Between Love And Hate),在教会学校的同学间传阅,引起轰动,也埋下日后持续写作的种子。而后在利兹大学攻读心理学与公共媒体学位,并赴伦敦大学深造,获得新闻硕士学位。毕业后主编女性杂志,也替报章媒体写稿。