Welcome to Your Child's Braintxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Wang, Sam; Aamodt, Sandra; 出版年: 2011-9 页数: 336 定价: $ 29.38 ISBN: 9781596916494
内容简介 · · · · · ·
How children think is one of the most enduring mysteries-and difficulties-encountered by parents. In an effort to raise our children smarter, happier, stronger, and better, parents will try almost anything, from vitamins to toys to DVDs. But how can we tell marketing from real science? And what really goes through your kid's growing mind-as an infant, in school, and during adol...
How children think is one of the most enduring mysteries-and difficulties-encountered by parents. In an effort to raise our children smarter, happier, stronger, and better, parents will try almost anything, from vitamins to toys to DVDs. But how can we tell marketing from real science? And what really goes through your kid's growing mind-as an infant, in school, and during adolescence? Neuroscientists Sandra Aamodt and Sam Wang (who is also a parent) explain the facets and functions of the developing brain, discussing salient subjects such as sleep problems, language learning, gender differences, and autism. They dispel common myths about important subjects such as the value of educational videos for babies, the meaning of ADHD in the classroom, and the best predictor of academic success (hint: It's not IQ ). Most of all, this book helps you know when to worry, how to respond, and, most important, when to relax. "Welcome to Your Child's Brain" upends myths and misinformation with practical advice, surprising revelations, and real, reliable science. It's essential reading for parents of children of any age, from infancy well into their teens.
他在顶尖科学期刊发表了超过50篇大脑科学论文,这些期刊包括《自然》、《自然神经科学》、《美国国家科学院研究汇刊》、《神经元》;在脑科学方面曾获得诸多奖项:美国国家基金会青年研究员奖、史隆基金会奖赏(Alfred P. Sloan Fellow),以及凯克基金会(W. M. Keck Foundation)杰出年轻学者奖。