《Life under Pressure》电子书下载

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作者:Tommy Bengtsson/Cameron Campbell/James Z. Lee
出版社: The MIT Press
副标题: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
出版年: 2009-1-23
页数: 552
定价: USD 5.75
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780262512435

内容简介 · · · · · ·

This highly original book -- the first in a series analyzing historical population behavior in Europe and Asia -- pioneers a new approach to the comparative analysis of societies in the past. Using techniques of event history analysis, the authors examine 100,000 life histories in 100 rural communities in Western Europe and Asia to analyze the demographic response to social and...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

James Z. Lee (1952 -) is Chair Professor of History and Sociology and the Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Faculty Associate at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan, and Jiangxi Chair Visiting Scholar at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He and his ...

目录 · · · · · ·

Malthus's Pespective
1 New Malthusian Perspectives--James Z.Lee, Cameron Campbell, Tommy Bengtsson
Comparative Geographies
2 Living standards and Economic Stress--Tommy Bengtsson
3 Economic Stress and Mortality--Cameron Campbell, James Z.Lee, Tommy Bengtsson
4 Family and Community--James Z. Lee, Tommy Bengtsson, Cameron Campbell
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Malthus's Pespective
1 New Malthusian Perspectives--James Z.Lee, Cameron Campbell, Tommy Bengtsson
Comparative Geographies
2 Living standards and Economic Stress--Tommy Bengtsson
3 Economic Stress and Mortality--Cameron Campbell, James Z.Lee, Tommy Bengtsson
4 Family and Community--James Z. Lee, Tommy Bengtsson, Cameron Campbell
5 Society and Mortality--James Z. lee, Cameron Campbell, Wang Feng
Local Histories
6 Mortality and Social Class in Four Scanian Parishes, 1766-7865--Tommy Bengtsson
7 Mortality and Modernization in Sart and Surroundings, 1812-1900-- George Alter, Muriel Neven,Michel Oris
8 Mortality and Environment in Three Emilian, Tuscan, and Venetian Communities, 1800-1883--Marco Breschi, Renzo Derosas, Matteo Manfredini
9 Mortality and Household inTwo Ou Villages,1716-1870--Noriko O. Tsuya and Satomi Kurosu
10 Mortality and Household in Seven Liaodong Populations,1749-1909--Cameron Campbell and James Z. Lee
Comparative Demographies
11 Gender Differences in Mortality-- George Alter, Matteo Manfredini, Paul Nystedt
12 Infant and Child Mortality-- Michel Oris, Renzo Derosas, Marco Breschi
13 Old-age Mortality-- Noriko O.Tsuya and Paul Nystedt
14 Agency and Demograpyh: Eurasian Comprisons of Life under Presssure--James Z. Lee, Cameron Campbell, Tommy Bengtsson
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作者: 憋着就会死星人



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