Shortlisted for the 2005 British Academy Book prize, Nicola Lacey's entrancing biography recounts the life of H.L.A. Hart, the pre-eminent legal philosopher of the twentieth century. Following Hart's life from modest origins as the son of Jewish tailor parents in Yorkshire to worldwide fame as the most influential English-speaking legal theorist of the post-War era, the book traces his successive metamorphoses; from Yorkshire schoolboy to Oxford scholar, from government intelligence officer to Professor of Jurisprudence, from awkward batchelor to family figurehead. In the tradition of Ray Monk's biography of Wittgenstein, Nicola Lacey paints an absorbing picture of intellectual and psychological development, of a mind struggling to cope with intellectual self-doubt, uncertain sexuality, a difficult marriage and an anti-semitic society. In depicting the evolution of Hart's life and mind, Lacey provides a vivid recreation of both the intellectual and social climate of Oxford in the post-War era.
Overall this is an outstanding biography of a fascinating personality which will appeal to readers interested in Hart, jurisprudence or Oxford academic life. (The Journal of Intelligence History )
Outstanding biography. He deserves a perceptive biography, and Nicola Lacey has provided one. (TLS )
For me, a biography addict, this is certainly the biography of 2004 (Baroness Warnock, The Times Higher Education Supplement )
Impressive new biography (Noel Malcolm, The Sunday Telegraph Review )
This is a stunning achievement. Nicola Lacey has thrown a wonderful light, not only on H.L.A. Hart, the man, his life, his marriage, his war-work, his sexuality, his self-doubt, his experience of anti-Semitism, but also on the Oxford of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, and by extension the circle of friends in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in New York, in Jerusalem, and all over the world in whose company he developed his ideas and made his massive contribution to jurisprudence. (Jeremy Waldron, Maurice and Hilda Friedman Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Law and Philosophy, Columbia University )
The fascinating biography of a complex and brilliant man. Lacey's account vividly recreates the postwar Oxford climate in philosophy and jurisprudence, and paints Hart's life inside and outside the university with sensitivity, wit, and authority. (Simon Blackburn, Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge )
Nicola Lacey is Professor of Criminal Law and Legal Theory at the London School of Economics. She is also a member of the Global Law School Faculty, New York University. Her other recent visiting positions include a Fellowship at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (1999-2000) and a visiting Professorship at the Program in Ethics, Politics and Economics and Department of Political Science, Yale University (Spring Semester 2004). She was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2001 and has recently been awarded a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship, to run for three years from October 2006.
Her recent biography, A Life of H.L.A. Hart: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream (OUP 2004) was awarded the Swiney Prize and was shortlisted for the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Biography and for the British Academy Book Prize. In 2007 she was elected an Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford.