Max Weber ( 1864 - 1920), generally known as a founder of modem social science, was concerned with political affairs throughont his life. The texts in this edition span his career ,and include his early inaugural lecture‘The Nation State and Econonfic Policy',’Suffrage and Democracy in Gemrany',’Parlimnent and Government in Gemlany under a New Political Order',‘Socialism' , ‘Th...
Max Weber ( 1864 - 1920), generally known as a founder of modem social science, was concerned with political affairs throughont his life. The texts in this edition span his career ,and include his early inaugural lecture‘The Nation State and Econonfic Policy',’Suffrage and Democracy in Gemrany',’Parlimnent and Government in Gemlany under a New Political Order',‘Socialism' , ‘The Profession and Vocation of Politics', and an excerpt from his essay‘The Situation of Constitutional Democracy in Russia', as well as other shorter writings. Together they illustrate the development of his thinking on the fate of Germany and the nature of politics in the modem western state in an age of cultural ‘disenchannnent'. The introduction discusses the central themes of Weber' s political thought, and a chronology, notes and an almotated bibliography place him in his political and intellectual context.