"Wolf's intention is to show that European expansion not only transformed the historical trajectory of non-European societies but also reconstituted their historical accounts of their societies before European intervention. . . . His historical sweep and analytic breadth are astounding, and he gives approximately equal weight to historical 'winners' and 'losers.'" --Michael S. Kimmel, American Journal of Sociology
"Wolf's intention is to explain the development and nature of the chains of cause and consequence which linked populations in the post-1400 world. The outcome is a tightly structured and elegant book." --Oceania
"The work of a powerful theoretical intelligence, but one informed by a lived sense of social realities." --Times Literary Supplement
"In this big and important book, Eric Wolf begins and ends with the assertion that anthropology must pay more attention to history. . . . It is with pleasure, then, that one reads a critical analysis that rejects pseudo-historical oppositions and explores with such care the historical processes by which primitive and peasant pasts have become a fundamentally altered primitive, peasant, and proletarian present." --William Roseberry, Dialectical Anthropology
"Wolf has created a history of connection rather than one of segregation. . . . This absorbing and stimulating book . . . provides a convincing and, dare I say, new perspective. . . . By emphasizing a common past, Wolf moves away from weary polarities of active 'white' centre and passive 'non-white' periphery and suggests both a more complex and a more informed sense of the relationship between Europe and the rest of the world."--Ben Jay, European Update
"Wolf's empirical knowledge is exceptionally wide. . . . He relies on a skillful selection of phenomena in time and space that are reasonably representative of the totality. . . . The book is very well written and with a profoundly human touch."--Magnus Mörner, Ethnos
埃里克·沃尔夫(1923-1999):出生于维也纳,1940年到美国,进入纽约王后学院求学,二战爆发后曾参军入伍。1946年获得社会学和人类学硕士学位,1951年获得哥伦比亚大学博士学位。曾在耶鲁大学、芝加哥大学等任教。主要兴趣点是人类学中的宏观研究和历史解释,主要著作包括:Anthropology(1964);Peasants(1966);Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century(1969)等。