How To Be Idletxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Tom Hodgkinson 出版社: Penguin Books Ltd 出版年: 2005-6 页数: 352 定价: 101.66 ISBN: 9780141015064
内容简介 · · · · · ·
As Oscar Wilde said, doing nothing is hard work. The Protestant work ethic has most of us in its thrall, and the idlers of this world have the odds stacked against them. But here, at last, is a book that can help. From Tom Hodgkinson, editor of the Idler, comes HOW TO BE IDLE, an antidote to the work-obsessed culture which puts so many obstacles between ourselves an...
As Oscar Wilde said, doing nothing is hard work. The Protestant work ethic has most of us in its thrall, and the idlers of this world have the odds stacked against them. But here, at last, is a book that can help. From Tom Hodgkinson, editor of the Idler, comes HOW TO BE IDLE, an antidote to the work-obsessed culture which puts so many obstacles between ourselves and our dreams. Hodgkinson presents us with a laid-back argument for a new contract between routine and chaos, an argument for experiencing life to the full and living in the moment. Ranging across a host of issues that may affect the modern idler sleep, the world of work, pleasure and hedonism, relationships, bohemian living, revolution he draws on the writings of such well-known apologists for idleness as Dr Johnson, Oscar Wilde, Robert Louis Stevenson and Nietzsche. His message is clear: take control of your life and reclaim your right to be idle.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
英国作家,生于1968年,少年就读威斯敏斯特学校,于1993年创办《闲人》杂志。《星期日电讯报》、《卫报》、《星期日泰晤士报》撰稿人。最新力作《如何做个自由的人》(how to be free)于2006年10月付梓(上海三联书店即出中文版)。此君正一如既往地做着先前做的事……或者更准确地说,什么都不做……悠哉游哉地过着他的日子:编杂志、写文章、办Party和各种各样好玩的事情。现居英国德文郡。