The Undertakingtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Lynch, Thomas 出版年: 1998-4 页数: 256 定价: $ 22.32 ISBN: 9780099767312
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Like all poets, inspired by death, Lynch is, unlike others, also hired to bury the dead or cremate them and to tend to their families in a small Michigan town where he serves as the funeral director. In the conduct of these duties he has kept his eyes open, his ears tuned to the indispensable vernaculars of love and grief. In these twelve essays is the voice of both witness and...
Like all poets, inspired by death, Lynch is, unlike others, also hired to bury the dead or cremate them and to tend to their families in a small Michigan town where he serves as the funeral director. In the conduct of these duties he has kept his eyes open, his ears tuned to the indispensable vernaculars of love and grief. In these twelve essays is the voice of both witness and functionary. Lynch stands between 'the living and the living who have dies' with the same outrage and amazement, straining for the same glimpse we all get of what mortality means to a vital species. So here is homage to parents who have died and to children who shouldn't have. Here are golfers tripping over grave-markers, gourmands and hypochondriacs, lovers and suicides. These are essays of rare elegance and grace, full of fierce compassion and rich in humour and humanity - lessons taught to the living by the dead.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
托马斯.林奇(Thomas Lynch)著有《动与静的身体》(Bodies in Motion and at Rest)、《和希瑟.格蕾丝一起滑冰》(Skating with Heather Grace)、《老雌猫及其他》(Grimalkin & Other Poems)和《仍然生活在米尔福德》(Still Life in Milford)。他的诗和散文发表于《哈泼斯》、《伦敦书评》、《纽约客》和《巴黎评论》等著名期刊。林奇住在密歇根州的小镇米尔福德,是小镇上殡仪馆的老板。本书为作者赢得了1998年的美国图书奖和1997的美国的国家图书奖提名。