《Crafting Rails 4 Applications》电子书下载

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作者:José Valim
出版社: Pragmatic Bookshelf
副标题: Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development
出版年: 2013-11-1
页数: 200
定价: USD 24.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781937785550

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Rails is one of the most extensible frameworks out there. This pioneering book deep-dives into the Rails plugin APIs and shows you, the intermediate Rails developer, how to use them to write better web applications and make your day-to-day work with Rails more productive.

Rails Core developer José Valim guides you through eight different tutorials, each using test-driven develo...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

José Valim is the lead developer and co-founder of Plataformatec. He started working with Ruby and Rails in late 2006 and was invited to be part of the Rails Core Team in 2010. He’s also author and maintainer of various other well-known open source projects that led him to receive a Ruby Hero award in recognition for his contributions to the community. Lately, he’s been flying ...

目录 · · · · · ·

* Creating Our Own Renderer excerpt
* Creating your first Rails Plugin
* Writing the Renderer
* Understanding The Rails Rendering Stack
* Taking It to the Next Level
* Wrapping Up
· · · · · ·()
* Creating Our Own Renderer excerpt
* Creating your first Rails Plugin
* Writing the Renderer
* Understanding The Rails Rendering Stack
* Taking It to the Next Level
* Wrapping Up
* Building Models with Active Model
* Creating Our Model
* Integration tests with Capybara
* Taking It to the Next Level
* Wrapping Up
* Retrieving View Templates from Custom Stores
* Revisiting the Rendering Stack
* Setting Up a SqlResolver
* Configuring Our Resolver for Production
* Serving Templates with Metal
* Wrapping Up
* Sending Multipart Emails Using Template Handlers excerpt
* Playing with the Template Handler API
* Building a Template Handler with Markdown + ERb
* Customizing Rails Generators
* Extending Rails with Railties
* Wrapping Up
* Streaming Server Events to Clients Asynchronously
* Extending Rails with Engines
* Live Streaming
* File system notifications with Threads
* Code loading techniques
* Wrapping up
* Writing DRY Controllers with Responders
* Understanding Responders
* Exploring ActionController::Responder
* The Flash Responder
* HTTP Cache Responder
* More Ways to Customize Generators
* Wrapping Up
* Managing Application Events with Mountable Engines
* Mountable and Isolated Engines
* Storing Notifications in the Database
* Rails and Rack
* Middleware Stacks
* Streaming with Rack
* Wrapping Up
* Translating Applications Using Key-Value Backends
* Revisiting Rails::Application
* I18n Backends and Extensions
* Rails and Sinatra
* Taking It to the Next Level with Devise and Capybara
* Wrapping Up
· · · · · · ()



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