Take an amazing and truly awe-inspiring visual voyage, courtesy of 100 incredible images made from the most sophisticated, cutting-edge technology, and see what can’t be seen with the naked eye.
It’s an eye-opening experience: from the smashing of atoms to the diffraction of X-rays skimming through a crystal of DNA, the deepest patterns of nature’s building blocks are revealed...
Take an amazing and truly awe-inspiring visual voyage, courtesy of 100 incredible images made from the most sophisticated, cutting-edge technology, and see what can’t be seen with the naked eye.
It’s an eye-opening experience: from the smashing of atoms to the diffraction of X-rays skimming through a crystal of DNA, the deepest patterns of nature’s building blocks are revealed to thrilling effect thanks to revolutionary technology. These thoroughly breathtaking images delve deep into the invisible world, letting us peer into the hidden secrets of heat, sound, and all manner of exotic energies and radiations. View the human body as seen in a colored Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan; a photo of a huge solar prominence, taken by an Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope; an enhanced electron scan of tiny dust mites; and striking spots of light from the distant galaxies. Computer simulations, powered by 21st-century mathematics, hint that there are still greater truths out there. It’s as unbelievable as the best science fiction—and it’s all true.