Understand Android OS for both smartphone and tablet programming This fast-paced introduction to the newest release of Android OS gives aspiring mobile app developers what they need to know to program for today's hottest Android smartphones and tablets. Android 4 OS is, for the first time, a single solution for both smartphones and tablets, so if you master the information in ...
Understand Android OS for both smartphone and tablet programming This fast-paced introduction to the newest release of Android OS gives aspiring mobile app developers what they need to know to program for today's hottest Android smartphones and tablets. Android 4 OS is, for the first time, a single solution for both smartphones and tablets, so if you master the information in this helpful guide, you'll be well on your way to successful development for both devices. From using activities and intents and creating rich user interfaces to working with SMS, messaging APIs, and the Android SDK, what you need is here. Provides clear instructions backed by real-world programming examples Begins with the basics and covers everything Android 4 developers need to know for both smartphones and tablets Explains how to customize activities and intents, create rich user interfaces, and manage data Helps you work with SMS and messaging APIs, the Android SDK, and using location-based services Details how to package and publish your applications to the Android Market Beginning Android 4 Application Development pares down the most essential steps you need to know so you can start creating Android applications today.
Chaim Krause是US Army’s Command and General Staff College学院的模拟专家(Simulation Specialist),他为该学院开发了运行在多种平台(从iOS和Android设备到Windows桌面操作系统和Linux服务器)的各种各样的软件产品,并且还担负其他一些工作。Python是他最喜欢的语言,但是他本人擅长使用多种语言,比如使用Java和JavaScript/HTML5/CSS等编写代码。很幸运,他的软件开发职业生涯是在Borland开始的,当时他是Delphi语言的高级开发支持工程师。除了计算机相关的工作,Chaim喜欢techno音乐和dubstep音乐,以及和自己的两条雪橇犬Dasher和Minnie玩踏板车。