"Introduction to Geography, 13th Edition", by Getis and Getis introduces college students to the breadth and spatial insights of the field of geography. The authors' approach allows the major research traditions of geography to dictate the principal themes. They also include information on current events, such as the earthquake in Haiti. Chapter 1 introduces students to the fou...
"Introduction to Geography, 13th Edition", by Getis and Getis introduces college students to the breadth and spatial insights of the field of geography. The authors' approach allows the major research traditions of geography to dictate the principal themes. They also include information on current events, such as the earthquake in Haiti. Chapter 1 introduces students to the four organizing traditions that have emerged through the long history of geographical thought and writing: earth science, culture-environment, location, and area analysis. Each of the four parts of this book centers on one of these geographic perspectives.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
阿瑟·格蒂斯 Arthur Getis,获宾夕法尼亚州立大学学士和硕士学位、华盛顿大学博士学位,与人合著多本地理学教科书和两本地图模式分析专著。任《地理分析杂志》(Journal of Geographical Analysis)联合主编和《地理分析》(Geograp hical Analysis)与《区域科学论文集》(Papersin Regional Science)编委多年,圣迭戈州立大学伯奇地理研究所所长。2002 年,荣获美国地理学家协会杰出学者奖。