"Boroson takes the mystery out of meditation." -- The Irish Independent
"It's hard to overestimate how useful this technique could be." -- Psychologies magazine
"This gem of a book is a marvelous launching pad for anyone who wants to rest in the now, the only time there is." -- Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine
"Martin Boroson's fantastic book ... is all...
"Boroson takes the mystery out of meditation." -- The Irish Independent
"It's hard to overestimate how useful this technique could be." -- Psychologies magazine
"This gem of a book is a marvelous launching pad for anyone who wants to rest in the now, the only time there is." -- Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine
"Martin Boroson's fantastic book ... is all about learning to condense the practice of meditation into these fleeting moments. And about how, from a certain perspective, a sequence of fleeting moments are all we ever really have anyway." -- Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian
"Packed with wisdom from cover to cover. . Martin takes you on a journey that is all but guaranteeing that you will be able to surrender completely to your moments of meditation and apply them to everyday situations. ... This is something that I think just about any human being could take on, and it would definitely empower and lift the quality of one's experience on earth. A beautiful book." -- Regina Merideth, The Conscious Media Network
"One-Moment Meditation is to the seeker what the Swiss Army knife is to the hiker: an essential tool for survival. Whether it's enlightenment or basic sanity we're after, attention to this very moment is key. Boroson eminently captures the terrain, and the places we can lose our footing, all the while providing a firm handhold." -- Barbara Joshin O'Hara, Sensei, The Village Zendo, New York
"Boroson ... distills various aspects of mediation into several playful, practical techniques for use in situations from surprises to emergencies. Along the way, he talks about ... effective time management, proper breathing, and a host of other useful topics. Easy to read and easy to use, this is one for the bedside table." - Organic Spa magazine
"Don't underestimate the potential of this unorthodox method for finding
peace. ... One-Moment Meditation's short 160 pages are filled with wisdom and the kinds of insight that beg to be cut out and taped to the bathroom mirror. The message is delivered in a manner that is simple and entertaining; a therapeutic read, in itself calming and relaxing, with a clear introduction to what the practice of meditation is about. The
techniques are simple, easy to incorporate, and serve to complement any other form of meditation."
- Change magazine