Book Description Experience real change. Now, for the first time, Inside Out and its companion study guide are conveniently packaged together, giving you two excellent resources at a great value. Inside Out Spiritual growth involves change––becoming more like Christ and less like our old selves. That’s what Inside Out is all about. If you want a more vital uni...
Book Description Experience real change. Now, for the first time, Inside Out and its companion study guide are conveniently packaged together, giving you two excellent resources at a great value. Inside Out Spiritual growth involves change––becoming more like Christ and less like our old selves. That’s what Inside Out is all about. If you want a more vital union with God, a richer relationship with others, and a deeper sense of personal wholeness, let Dr. Larry Crabb help you look inside yourself. You’ll discover how God works real, liberating change when you live from the inside out. Inside Out Study Guide Designed for individual or small-group use, this study guide will challenge and motivate you to apply the principles in Inside Out to your life, giving real change an opportunity to grow. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. About the Author DR. LARRY CRABB is distinguished scholar in residence at Colorado Christian University. For seven years he served as chairman and professor of its graduate department of biblical counseling.A frequent conference speaker, Dr. Crabb is the author of numerous books, including UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU ARE, HOPE WHEN YOU'RE HURTING, MEN AND WOMEN, and CONNECTING. Dr. Crabb earned his doctorate degree in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois in 1970. He practiced psychology for ten years in Florida, and directed the Master's program in biblical counseling at Grace Theological Seminary for seven years. Dr. Crabb lives in Colorado with his wife, Rachael. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
莱瑞•克莱布博士(Dr. Larry Crabb) ,美国著名心理辅导专家、作家和讲师,圣经辅导学会创办人和董事长。克莱布于1970年获伊利诺伊州州立大学临床心理学博士学位,在佛罗里达州执业10年,另有7年在印第安纳州恩典神学院指导圣经辅导硕士课程。《里外更新》是克莱布博士的第六部作品,其他作品包括《了解人——重建关系的圣经协谈》《沉默的亚当》《男女幸不同》《承载生命的相交》《里外更新寻主面》《破碎的梦》等。克莱布博士与妻子居于美国科罗拉多州,有两个儿子,克和肯。
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