The Good Person of Szechwantxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Bertolt Brecht 出版社: Penguin Classics 译者:John Willett 出版年: 2008-5-27 页数: 192 定价: USD 11.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780143105374
内容简介 · · · · · ·
The authorized, definitive editions of two of Bertolt Brecht’s most enduring works
The Good Person of Szechwan is one of Bertolt Brecht’s most popular works. When three gods come to earth in search of a thoroughly good person, they encounter Shen Teh, a goodhearted but penniless prostitute, who offers them shelter. Rewarded with enough money to open a tobacco shop, “Angel...
The authorized, definitive editions of two of Bertolt Brecht’s most enduring works
The Good Person of Szechwan is one of Bertolt Brecht’s most popular works. When three gods come to earth in search of a thoroughly good person, they encounter Shen Teh, a goodhearted but penniless prostitute, who offers them shelter. Rewarded with enough money to open a tobacco shop, “Angel of the Slums” Shen Teh soon becomes so overwhelmed by the demands of people seeking assistance that she invents a male alter ego, “Tobacco K ing” Shui Ta, to deal ruthlessly with the business of living in an evil world. The Good Person of Szechwan is a masterpiece of minimalist design and elegance that shines a light on human nature and social mores.