![]() 作者:Craig Wright 出版社: Wadsworth Pub Co 出版年: 2000-6 页数: 477 定价: USD 101.95 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780534517656 作者简介 · · · · · ·作者:(美国)克雷格•莱特 (Craig Wright) 克雷格•莱特 (Craig Wright),1966年获伊斯曼音乐学校音乐学士,1972年获哈佛大学哲学博士,耶鲁大学音乐系教授,在该校任教已三十余年。他写有大量的学术专著和文章,内容涉及从雷奥南到巴赫的许多作曲家。他也是很多奖项的得主,包括古根海姆奖学金,美国音乐学协会的“爱因斯坦和金科迪奖”,以及国际音乐学协会的登特勋章。2004年,他被授予芝加哥大学人文学科名誉博士学位。他还与布莱因•希姆斯合著了《西方文明中的音乐》一书(汤姆森•希尔默出版公司,2006)。 目录 · · · · · ·Part I: INTRODUCTION TO LISTENING.1. The Appeal of Music. 2. Rhythm, Melody, and Harmony. 3. Color, Texture, and Form. 4. Musical Style. Part II: THE MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE, 476-1600. · · · · · ·() Part I: INTRODUCTION TO LISTENING. 1. The Appeal of Music. 2. Rhythm, Melody, and Harmony. 3. Color, Texture, and Form. 4. Musical Style. Part II: THE MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE, 476-1600. 5. Medieval Music, 476-1450. 6. Renaissance Music, 1450-1600. Part III: THE BAROQUE PERIOD, 1600-1750. 7. Introduction to Baroque Art and Music. 8. Early Baroque Vocal Music. 9. Toward Late Baroque Instrumental Music. 10. The Late Baroque: Bach. 11. The Late Baroque: Handel. Part IV: THE CLASSICAL PERIOD, 1750-1820. 12. Classical Style. 13. Classical Composers: Haydn and Mozart. 14. Classical Forms: Ternary and Sonata—Allegro. 15. Classical Forms: Theme and Variations, Rondo. 16. Classical Genres: Instrumental Music. 17. Classical Genres: Vocal Music. 18. Beethoven: Bridge to Romanticism. Part V: ROMANTICISM, 1820-1900. 19. Introduction to Romanticism. 20. Romantic Music: The Art Song. 21. Romantic Music: Program Music, Ballet, and Musical Nationalism. 22. Romantic Music: Piano Music. 23. Romantic Opera: Italy. 24. Romantic Opera: Germany. 25. Nineteenth-Century Realistic Opera. 26. Late Romantic Orchestral Music. Part VI: MODERN AND POSTMODERN ART MUSIC, 1880-PRESENT. 27. Impressionism and Exoticism. 28. Modernism in Music and the Arts. 29. Early-Twentieth-Century Modernism. 30. Russian and Eastern European Modernism. 31. American Modernism. 32. Postmodernism. Part VII: AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC. 33. American Popular Music to World War II. 34. Postwar Jazz. 35. Broadway, Film, and Video Game Music. 36. Rock: Music of Rebellion. Part VIII: GLOBAL MUSIC. 37. The Far East. 38. The Near East and Africa. 39. The Caribbean and Latin America. Glossary. Index. · · · · · · () |