The Secret Lives of Buildingstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Edward Hollis 出版社: Metropolitan Books 副标题: From the Ruins of the Parthenon to the Vegas Strip in Thirteen Stories 出版年: 2009-11-10 页数: 338 定价: GBP 17.91 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780805087857
内容简介 · · · · · ·
A strikingly original, beautifully narrated history of Western architecture and the cultural transformations that it represents Concrete, marble, steel, brick: little else made by human hands seems as stable, as immutable, as a building. Yet the life of any structure is neither fixed nor timeless. Outliving their original contexts and purposes, buildings are forced to adapt to ...
A strikingly original, beautifully narrated history of Western architecture and the cultural transformations that it represents Concrete, marble, steel, brick: little else made by human hands seems as stable, as immutable, as a building. Yet the life of any structure is neither fixed nor timeless. Outliving their original contexts and purposes, buildings are forced to adapt to each succeeding age. To survive, they must become shape-shifters. In an inspired refashioning of architectural history, Edward Hollis recounts more than a dozen stories of such metamorphosis, highlighting the way in which even the most familiar structures all change over time into "something rich and strange." The Parthenon, that epitome of a ruined temple, was for centuries a working church and then a mosque; the cathedral of Notre Dame was "restored" to a design that none of its original makers would have recognized. Remains of the Berlin Wall, meanwhile, which was once gleefully smashed and bulldozed, are now treated as precious relics. Altered layer by layer with each generation, buildings become eloquent chroniclers of the civilizations they've witnessed. Their stories, as beguiling and captivating as folktales, span the gulf of history.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
愛德華.何利斯(Edward Hollis)
建築師、設計師,現任教於愛丁堡藝術學院(Edinburgh College of Art)。他在劍橋和愛丁堡大學攻讀建築,畢業後在英國擔任建築師,執業五年,專精於改造歷史建築。他先在斯里蘭卡沿海瀉湖的遺跡與谷地工作,之後前往蘇格蘭,供職於維多利亞鄉間別墅、老釀酒廠和市政廳。《建築變形記》是他的第一部作品。