The Sources of Social Powertxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Michael Mann 出版社: Cambridge University Press 副标题: Volume 4, Globalizations, 1945-2011 出版年: 2013-3 页数: 496 定价: USD 34.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781107610415 内容简介 · · · · · ·Distinguishing four sources of power – ideological, economic, military and political – this series traces their interrelations throughout human history. This fourth volume covers the period from 1945 to the present, focusing on the three major pillars of post-war global order: capitalism, the nation-state system and the sole remaining empire of the world, the United States. In ... 作者简介 · · · · · ·迈克尔·曼(Michael Mann),牛津大学社会学博士,美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校社会学系教授。主要著作有:《社会权力的来源》(四卷)、《不连贯的帝国》、《法西斯主义者》、《民主的阴暗面》。 目录 · · · · · ·Contents1. Globalizations; 2. The post-war global order; 3. America in war and Cold War: class struggles; 4. Civil rights and identity struggles in the United States; 5. American empire during the Cold War, 1945–80; 6. Neoliberalism, rise and faltering, 1970–2000; 7. The fall of the Soviet alternative; 8. The Maoist alternative reformed; 9. A theory of revolution; 10. American empire at the turn of the twenty-first century; 11. Global crisis: the great neoliberal recession; 12. Global crisis: climate change; 13. Conclusion. Contents 1. Globalizations; 2. The post-war global order; 3. America in war and Cold War: class struggles; 4. Civil rights and identity struggles in the United States; 5. American empire during the Cold War, 1945–80; 6. Neoliberalism, rise and faltering, 1970–2000; 7. The fall of the Soviet alternative; 8. The Maoist alternative reformed; 9. A theory of revolution; 10. American empire at the turn of the twenty-first century; 11. Global crisis: the great neoliberal recession; 12. Global crisis: climate change; 13. Conclusion. · · · · · · () |